Mafiatale Ending

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Ending by @VeeTheDemon

"I-I choose....MafiaTale..." you picked yourself up, swiftly walking over to the Sans. There was a slight bounce in your step. It felt like you had been chained down by some invisible force, unable to move, and someone had cut you free.

"Heh. Welcome to my world doll." Sans chuckled. You cupped the soul part in your hand. The soul was somewhere in between sky blue and dark blue. The soul shrank, so small you couldn't see anything but a shining blue dot.

The dot disappeared, and your veins shone. Blue shot through your veins, up your arm, winding across your chest. Shining blue liquid flowed into the hole in your soul. It sloshed around, before settling at the full capacity.

Glowing white doors opened, and the Sans' walked through. All except Ink and Mafia.

"You choose MafiaTale?" Ink said dejectedly. He pressed the soul part back into his full soul. You nodded quickly. Sans wrapped his arm around my waist, and pulled me to him.

"Will I see you again? Will I see any of them again?" you asked, your voice barely a whisper. Ink shook his head.

"Most likely not..." Sadness washed over you. "If there's ever a problem that involves all the AU's, maybe. But hopefully that won't ever happen." you sighed.

"I'll never forget you....or any of the universes." Wow [Y/N]. Real corny.

Ink only nodded, before a glowing purple spot appeared under him. It grew, until it was bigger than him. Ink was sucked under, and the purple hole closed, leaving only the cream floor. Sans pulled you through the glowing white door, to the new universe. New life. Away from all the others.

~~Tem Skip 5 years~~

You wiped your forehead, sweat mixing with blood. You panted heavily, looking down at the gang. You walked out the alley, tucking your gun into an inside pocket on your black leather jacket. It covered until your stomach. Like G's. You slipped your hands in your jeans pockets, walking down the sidewalk.

"Come back here and fight us!!" A raspy voice screeched from the alley. You whipped around, snatched your gun from your pocket, and shot him three times in the head. He fell to the ground, and you could see the lifeless look in his cold eyes even from where you stood. Passerbys stared at you.

"Move along. Nothing to see here," you barked. Everyone ran away. You tucked the gun back in your pocket, and headed to Grillbz'.

-Tem skip 5 min-

You pushed through the door and walked to your seat.

"Hello [Y/N]." You gave a little wave to Grillby. He set a shot of milk in front of you. You picked it up, and downed it. The little bell rang furiously.

"Hey babe. Grillbz. We gotta go. Now." Sans grabbed your arm and pulled you out of your seat. You dropped the shot glass, shattering it on the polished hardwood floor.

The window burst open, raining down glass shards on the customers. Screams echoed through the parlor.

"Going! Now!" Sans shouted. He pulled you and Grillby out the back door, as bullets littered the counter behind you. You ran out the back alley, and into a white van. Everyone was there, Tori, Undyne, Al, Asgore, Papyrus, Asriel, Frisk, Mettaton, Napstablook, and Muffet. Sans shut the van door behind you and Undyne took off. You watched the door burst open, and men with guns start shooting at you.

"Gun!" you screeched. Tori opened the roof as Papyrus handed you a machine gun. You stood up and pulled the gun out of the roof. It was already loaded, so you started shooting them like crazy. "You'll never take us alive~!" you sang as you paused with the shooting.

"We swore that death will do us part, they'll call our crimes a work of art~!" Sans sang, as he popped out the roof with a shotgun. You started shooting together, men were dropping like flies on the road, and in the car that was chasing you. Sans shot the windshield, and the car swerved off the road, crashing into a building. The car and building went up in flames. You clasped Sans' boney hand in your [S/C] one, as you heard sirens drawing near.

"Step on it Undyne!" you heard Al squeak.

"Partners in criiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime~!!" Sans and you sang as you drove out of the city and into the countryside.


This was the Mafiatale ending written by @VeeTheDemon.

Divided [ Sans X Reader ]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora