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Edited March 12th, 2018

And so it began for the next three months, any report of a monster sighting triggered mass amounts of fear. Cities would be evacuated by the masses, families and friends often torn apart as a result. Those who could not afford to get out on time where left for dead while the armies reigned nuclear havoc on them.

The nuked cities were then declared uninhabitable, the radioactive material making it impossible for any human to go within a fifty mile radius of the detonation sure. The monsters had banded together to populate the destroyed cities, having an immunity to the radioactivity after spending prolonged periods of time in the Underground.

Asgore had developed a plan to launch a massive attack on refugee centers all across America. Sans and Undyne had backed him whole-heartedly, the two head generals of the monster forces. Similar attacks would be deployed in China and industrial countries in order to cripple the straggling human nations.

"Brother, where are you going?" Papyrus asked as Sans emerged from the hollow frame of a building that he had claimed as their home. Little monster had make any attempt to talk to Sans after Toriel's death.

Sans said nothing and continued to walk. There was a fierce wave that threatened to overwhelm him with the desire to protect his brother, accompanied only by a greater sense of dread and foreboding, feeling oddly as if this would be the last time he would ever talk to his brother again.

"Don't worry Pappy dear," came the metallic voice of Mettaton a few feet away. Papyrus seemed to stiffen upon hearing the robotic call, slowly turning around to accept his fate. "I'll protect you while Sans and the others are away."

Papyrus gave Sans a longing stare before finally agreeing to Mettaton's protection. "Ill see you soon, won't I?"

"See you soon," Sans muttered in response, the dreading sense of foreboding still lingering in the back of his mind like an annoying fly as he joined hands with Asgore and Undyne, preparing to teleport to their battle stations. His last glimpse of Papyrus was the scarlet scarf that was fastened around his neck, blowing ominously in the coming breeze.

They appeared within a mile outside a camp that was bustling with survivors from multiple human cities. Members of the suburbs had been forced to evacuate as well in fear that the radiation would kill them. They were on edge, women and children even carrying daggers and guns around their waists. Men were stationed as sentries around the perimeters of the camp, eyes scouring the forests warily for any signs of monsters. If Sans hadn't quelled his remorse and guilt months beforehand, he would have objected to this slaughter.

But this was essential as Asgore has often put it. The two races were destined to always be at one another's throats and war was thus inevitable. It was best to go down fighting than to throw down your weapon and accept the fate given to you.

Multiple monsters had formed behind the three of them, the sheep to the shepherds, awaiting Asgore's command. If the battle succeeded, over a hundred thousand humans would be slaughtered. Sans felt another wave of regret, getting the slight urge that perhaps there was a better way, a more diplomatic option.

His mind wandered back to the genocide runs, memories of Frisk striking down Papyrus without a second thought, repeating it over and over again. All humans were the same, they cared naught for those that they harmed if it meant that they could live and earn self-satisfaction from it. Sans had the upper hand now; he was one step ahead of the humans this time. Papyrus would live in the new world he was forging for him.

And thus began the wave of monsters that surged upon the human camp. No mercy was given to anyone. Man, woman and child alike were killed relentlessly. Sans found himself part of the attack, waving his hand to summon Gaster Blasters and looking away as the screams of a human were silenced.

There was a flash of [H/C] that caught his eye.

"What are you doing here?" you asked to the skeleton. He seemed dumbfounded for a moment and then glanced upwards to a larger skeletal head that was forming a blue laser.

Sans hesitated for a moment, wondering why he was refraining from killing this one human. Every human was his enemy, another nameless face that could strike down Papyrus and destroy everything he had worked so hard before. But this human, This was the one that had saved him from the gunfire in New York City...

"Get out of here," the skeleton ordered to you. He pointed at a tent for you to take refuge in and flashed you a weak smile before continuing onwards. Anger and gratitude raged through your mind, thankful that you had been spared from the onslaught, repulsed at the thought of the skeleton turning on the rest of your kind. What sort of repayment was that?

The battle ended abruptly when the grass was coated in a fine layer of human blood. The head count for all monsters remained the same as it had been at the beginning, not one life had been taken. When Asgore had confirmed that not a human remained alive, with the exception of the one hiding within the tent, the monster army let loose a guttural cheer, caring not for the corpses they marched over.

"This was a slaughter," Sans said, disgusted at the actions of his species. But hadn't he been a part of this as well, joined in on the killing, enjoyed it even? For every human that had been subjected to his wrath, he saw only Frisk, their cold crimson eyes that reflected neither love nor compassion.

"This was necessary," Undyne replied firmly. "This will never end until we kill them all."

All across the globe, targeted refugee camps were reduced to mere ashes. The death toll was estimated at about three million human lives taken, few compared to the billions murdered during the nuclear attacks. It was also reported the same day that an overhead plane had spotted a monster camp in the ruins of New York City. After much gunfire, there were no survivors left, a small victory for the humans.

A ruthless killer was born the day of the World Slaughter. For when Sans returned to the ruins of New York City, he would find a pile of dust adorned with a red scarf accompanied by a lifeless robot body. A few houses down Undyne would discover a pile of ash in what had been Alphys' home. If Sans felt any rage over the death of his brother, he showed nothing to the others.

Events like these progressed for the next two months.

In the attempt to take down a refugee camp, Undyne would be taken hostage and later killed when the humans came upon the realization that Asgore had not been willing to meet any sort of demands to save her despite Sans' pleas.

Humans had long given up the hope of winning the war. A capitol was established in the former city of Rome by Asgore in what would soon begin the glorious domination of a monster society on the surface. The numbers of the human races continued to dwindle as monsters sought them out to kill for the determination possessed in their souls. Human determination became a secondhand drug for the monsters, allowing them to temporarily increase their powers and health for short periods of time.

Sans himself had no intent of ruling alongside Asgore. His resolve had drained the day upon the news of Papyrus' death, fighting only to the bitter end to seek vengeance for his fallen kin.

He retreated to San Francisco to spend the rest of his days with Papyrus - or at least what remained of the deceased skeleton.

Perhaps the dust and skeleton were alike as they walked across the sandy shores that they sometimes visited. Sans sometimes hallucinated that the tides would bring in the mountain of blood he had shed during the war.

Dust is a thing. It cannot feel. It simply is.

Sans cannot feel. He simply is.

He sometimes felt, perhaps the only distinction between him and the dust he now carried with him. His mind would wander to the [H/C] girl that had saved him at the very beginning of the war and how he had saved her at the refugee camp.

She's probably dead.

And so the thought would end and Sans would go back to being dust.

Never did he imagine that only three miles away, a tiny band of humans that had survived radiation and slaughter had joined together to establish an orderly society far from the settlements of monsters.

And this is where you come in.

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