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Edited March 12th, 2018

"What could have taken my child?" Toriel asked shortly after Sans had confirmed that there were no traces of Frisk anywhere near their house. He had refrained from mentioning Frisk's suicide, feeling that this would only further add to Toriel's lamentations. "Perhaps a wolf..." She sank down to her knees and wept. "I can't lose another child, not here, not now!"

Sans took a step towards Toriel, wondering if he should comfort her. Asgore stared him down, forcing the comedian to retreat to the couch. "The anniversary is tomorrow..." Toriel muttered. "How can we present ourselves to the humans without our ambassador? No doubt that the humans will declare that we killed Frisk! They're sure to hunt us now!"

It was true that tomorrow a national press conference would be held to celebrate the fourth anniversary of the monsters' return to the surface. They were normally headed by Asgore and Frisk to discuss and plan strategies to ensure peace between the two races.

With Frisk's disappearance, no doubt would anti-monster movements use this as an excuse to declare all out war.

Sans felt the all-too familiar feeling of guilt snake its way through him. Everything that happened as a result was because of him. He had been the one to push Frisk to the edge, stepped out of line when he could have played his part. But seeing Papyrus, alive and well, some of Sans' grievances cleared. Maybe Frisk's disappearance was for the best, at least they had a chance at living a life now. They would sort this out, work something between the humans and monsters.

Things would get better.

The next day a plane escorted Asgore along with his wife Toriel. There was a nervous air as they left the plane, avoiding the accusatory stares thrown their way from various humans. Sans had been chosen along with Undyne as one of the royal family's protectors in case there was any need to defend themselves. Humans had often proved to unpredictable creatures, Sans knew that better than anyone.

"Where's Frisk?" One of the news reporters asked immediately upon their arrival to the United Nations building in New York City.

"She went missing last night," Toriel said, her voice shaken. Asgore stiffened and stared at the ground. His hand flexed anxiously around his trident, preparing it for the impending need to attack.

And indeed it began when a man no older than thirty stepped between the anchor woman and her film crew. His head was shaven down to reveal a tattoo of what Sans assumed to be a fallen family member. His cheeks were sunken in and he reeked of a foul substance. This was a man who had lost everything and had decided to put the blame on monsters.


Sans looked down at his chest and then back to the man, who was now producing a silver machine that seemed to take the shape of an L. Several humans screamed and took cover, ducking to avoid whatever it would produce.

The sudden crack of the machine rang through the air. Sans braced himself for whatever would be the result when a sudden force pushed him aside. He looked up, startled to see a human had taken his place.

A gaping hole appeared on their shoulder and they collapsed to the ground, trembling as scarlet blood stained their [F/C] shirt.

The sea of news reporters began to separate at once as paramedics retrieved the human and drove her away. Sans watched as the blaring car disappeared down the highway and was replaced with an army of police officers surrounding the man.

"They took everything from me!" he hollered. One of the police officers raised a device to his mouth and then examined it. They nodded to one another and escorted the man to a car.

"We need to get out of here," Asgore muttered quietly. Sans reached for Undyne's hand and then was joined by Toriel and eventually by Asgore. He closed his eyes and imagined the closest thing that felt like home, his house in Snowdin.

They immediately left the surface and were transported to the Underground. "H-How did you d-do that?" Undyne asked, a bewildered look in her eye. Sans said nothing and watched as Asgore paced back and forth nervously.

"This is what I was afraid of..." he muttered. "We must be prepared to take human lives no matter the cost. This has become a matter of survival now and no doubtfully will we see individuals band together to take us down."

"Perhaps we could take down their larger industrial cities," Undyne suggested. "We could station some of the stronger monsters in countries that seem to do the most manufacturing."

The ground shook with a violent force that caused all monsters in the room to fall to their knees. An intense heat filled the room. "Everyone out!" Asgore hollered over the falling rocks that were beginning to smash into the snow nearby.

Sans teleported to the surface to see that the entire city of New York City was befallen in ash. A once massive Empire State Building was now a hollow frame. Corpses scattered the ground, reduced to charred bone. The intense heat returned and Sans suspected that whatever had been done here had caused it, but monsters had grown used to heat such as this, for they lived Underground in Hotland for many years.

A plane soared overhead and released a small metal cylinder. In the distance, Sans could make out a patch of land that had not been touched. It was enveloped in a mushroom cloud followed by an intense flash of light.

He decided that he couldn't take much more of the violence and retreated back to the Underground only to see the horror that awaited him. Toriel lay lifeless on the ground, blood pooling from a contact point from where a rock had fallen on her. A sharp pain seemed to pierce Sans and he staggered backwards.

No more resets.

Toriel is dead for good.

"What happened on the surface?" Asgore demanded, his eyes hollow.

"The humans seem to be dropping these things from the sky that envelope cities in destruction. I assume it must be an attempt by the governments to wipe us out, but whatever chemicals are placed seem to have no affect on us."

"Perhaps we should let them think that these bombs are killing us off. It will greatly reduce the humans' numbers."

Sans gave a slight nod. Undyne was staring at him in awe, the same look given by a soldier to another who had surpassed them in delivering information.

Perhaps I am fit to be a soldier, he decided.

As long as it keeps Papyrus alive.

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