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"Please don't kill me!"



Never had you felt so free! So alive! Your senses had been sharpened, every detail of your surroundings was magnified to an almost unimaginable level. The small indentations in the snow you were walking in signified that a monster had been here only a few minutes ago.

A faint rustle nearby sounded as a Snowdrake launched itself out of the bushes. You sighed and grabbed it by the neck without looking its way. The monster gave a muffled squeak of fear as your grip on it tightened.

"Please don't kill me..." it cried. Your left eye twitched as some unknown part of you struggled to resist the urge to kill.

"But what would be the fun in that?!" you snarled and stabbed your knife into its chest, smirking as it withered into dust. You threw your head back and began to laugh uncontrollably, a way to release the nauseating guilt from within you.

You didn't know which AU you had taken residence in. After you had liberated Geno, you had decided to begin the habit of "collecting" Sans from different multiverses.


You looked upwards, expecting to find the Papyrus of this multiverse hovering over you. Instead, the voice came from below you. A smaller version of Sans stood in front of you, his usually white pinpricks morphed into yellow stars. You felt disgusted at the anime-like structure of this Sans and felt the sudden urge to kill him.

"THE MAGNIFICENT SANS WILL NOT ALLOW YOU TO PASS ANY FURTHER!" the overexcited skeleton continued, looking rather determined. You cocked your head to one side, mystified that he had shown no indication of fear in your presence.

"Curious..." you murmured and grabbed him by the cape, dangling the Sans three feet above the ground.

"No fair!" he wailed and struggled under your grip. "Humans aren't supposed to do that!"

"Who said I was human?!" you doubled over in laughter, dropping him on the ground. It was so funny, you couldn't stop laughing. Tears rolled down your eyes...

Wait? You didn't do that?

You staggered backwards at the sudden confusion and allowed the red knife to form in your hand. The yellow stars vanished from Sans' eyes. "P-Please don't k-kill me..." he took a step back, his hands trembling. "I won't c-capture you..."

"I'm not going to kill you..." You reached into your pocket and pulled out a piece of black string. Attached to it were several puppet-like figures of the various Sans you had collected. "I'm going to add you to the collection."

"I don't think that would be a good idea buddy."

You whipped around to see Papyrus leaning against a tree. He wore an orange hoodie, much different to the armored costume he wore in the majority of the timelines. Underswap, you realized.

"How so?" you inquired, relishing the flash of fear that flared in his eye sockets. "Maybe I should add you to the collection."

He gave a long sigh and raised his hand upwards, summoning a mini wave of Gaster Blasters around Sans. "As long as I'm alive..." he explained, obviously drained from the use of an excessive amount of power. "You can't touch him."

You cocked your head to one side, a smirk spreading across your face. "I guess that won't be for long, will it?" Once more, fear registered in his eyesockets, but it disappeared as quickly as it had come.

"It may surprise you," Papyrus replied and nodded slightly.

Pain erupted in your skull and all was still.


The first thing that registered in your mind was the growing crowd that surrounded you. Your hand twitched, aching for the red knife that usually summoned in your left hand. Impatience welled in your chest upon seeing that it had not appeared.

"That's not going to work."

You adjusted your vision to see a short skeleton hovering over you. A conflict of emotions stirred within your mind upon seeing him. Random blotches of ink were scattered across his skull and clothes. Multiple vials of paint were strapped on a sash running down his shirt.

You scowled upon seeing the Papyrus from Underswap smiling smugly at you. "Life may surprise you," he whistled and rocked on his feet. You snarled and struggled against the invisible restraints that held you pinned to the ground.

"I'm going to kill all of you!" you laughed, your voice turning into a demonic child-like pitch. You adjusted your gaze to a random figure. "Starting with you!"

You immediately stopped yourself. The wave of emotions that crashed upon you became too great to bear. You had been pointing at a version of Sans that was taller than the others around him. G, his name rang in your head. He's alive.

He doesn't remember you, a voice snapped back. It was only then did you realize that despite the fusion, you and Chara still remained as two separate beings. The thought gave you hope.

"Make it stop..." you moaned, tears streaming down your cheeks. Pain exploded in your mind as Chara struggled for dominant control. Your body began to shake uncontrollably as your strength over her slowly diminished.

"Everything is going to be okay," Ink reassured and knelt down next to you. You instinctively recoiled from the contact. Your [S/D] heart appeared on your chest as a rainbow mist began to surround it.

The portion of Chara's soul that had attached itself onto you was outlined and carefully removed. Immediately, you felt a burden lifted from your shoulders. But despite the liberation, a part of you felt hollow and lifeless. "I can't live like this..." you murmured, looking from Ink and then to G. "I'm neither alive nor dead. But... I don't want Frisk's soul attached to mine."

Ink said nothing as he snapped his fingers. Chara's soul was liquified and transported into a red vial on his sash. The container glowed a deep crimson before returning to its normal state. The Sans' you had visited from several of the AU's stepped forward. Their souls were displayed on their chests. One by one, they carefully removed a small portion of their souls, each identical to the missing section of your soul.

"But why?" you looked to Ink. "I thought you didn't remember me."

He shook his head. "Geno was under the influence of Chara when he relayed the information to. She would stop at nothing to ensure that you succumbed to her influence, even if it meant lying to you."

"But I killed you..." your voice wavered, the memory still fresh in your mind.

"And yet the future has been altered." Ink closed his eyes before delivering the second portion. "And yet, a future lies in front of you that cannot be altered, no matter how much I would like it to be."

He gestured to the multiple Sans that surrounded you. "Each offer you a portion of their soul, identical to the part that you are missing. However..." Their was sympathy laced in his voice. "Since a large portion of your soul is missing, the replacement of one of their's will confine you to the AU in which they reside in. If you refuse this offer, you will die. Unlike humans, a monster's soul consists of a more basic composition and can exist even with significant portions missing. But you cannot."

Ink opened his palm, revealing a part of his soul that was also identical to the part missing.

"Who will you choose?"



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