Original AU Endings

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Okay so this entire chapter is dedicated to the AU endings designed by various people on Wattpad that submitted their endings to me. If you wish to have an AU that you created featured here, just send me a brief description of your AU along with the ending!

(And some have been asking, yes, I do roleplay! Message me through PM and we can start one!)


Original AU Ending 1:

AU designed and written by @ScarlettSkeleton9596 ! Make sure to check out their profile and follow them!

Description: This AU is based off a small skeleton girl, firstborn daughter of Gaster, Sister to Sans and Papyrus, when one day Gaster loses his wife in the war with humans, and starts to experiment on Scarlett, who doesn't really mind, until she's injected with determination, at this point, Riley(chara) has fallen down and her older sister Hestia, (the human monster Hybrid) has come down aswell, Riley loses her ability to reset and takes it out on Scarlett, causing Scarlett to reset, and fight Riley to protect her family, eventually, Scarlett jumps into the core with Riley, and the Universe collapses, Scarlett finds her way back with Inks help, Only to find a Glitched out crazy place, she, and Hestia, rebuild the universe, and that's when Y/N or frisk fall down. to find everybody is at 0.1 in HP, atk, and def, and so on.


You look around at the vast amount of Sans's around you, it hits you with a pang that the one you choose will be the only one you ever see again. You turn around, seeing row upon row of Sans. Your eye falls on one, standing shakily, knowing he has no hope of being chosen.

You feel sadness well up in your heart. This Sans was so thin, his soul was fragile, he was offering the most he could. You walk towards him. He looks up at you with hope, you take one last glance at everyone.

You look at Ink and he smiles. You feel that all the Sans support you decision as you look back at the sans before you, "I choose you, " you smile warmly. He almost cries and he hugs you tight as part of his soul combines with yours.

The other Sans put back their souls. You look around. They're all smiling, they all support you decision. You take the hand of the Sans you've chosen.

Ink walks up to you and opens a portal. "I was hoping you'd choose this one, this timeline needs you." You thank him and walk through.

You're greeted by the familiar sights of Snowdin. You both walk to Sans house.
You open the door, you see Papyrus in the kitchen. "HUMAN! SANS! YOU HAVE RETURNED! SCARLETT HAS BEEN WAITING!"

You look to the couch to see a female skeleton with cracks similar to that of G's, but coming from the side of her eyes aswell. "Sans! you came back! And you brought your girlfriend with you!"

Sans smiles and looks at you. "yep, she's back, and she's gonna stay."

You smile at Scarlett. "And I plan to help you all in any way I can."

~3 years later~

"C'mon Sans, hurry up!" You look behind you to see Sans panting and trying to run up the hill.

"is... this..... really.... necessary?"

You laugh and run faster. Shortly after your coming back, you found a way to use the six souls Asgore already had to break the Barrier with much help from a new monster-human Hybrid that fell down.

Papyrus is still his normal happy, bubbly, and energetic self. Scarlett disappeared on some business, and Sans, Sans has put on more weight (maybe too much) and is a lot stronger, and happier.

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