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You and Sans made your way around the CVS, taking as much as you pleased. This had been your first raiding mission alone, so the fact that everything was yours to take was absolutely liberating. "This is chocolate," you said, holding up a Hershey's bar to Sans.

He nodded and then walked over to the condiment isle from where he produced a bottle of ketchup. "And this is ketchup [Y/N]." He raised it up for you to see and then began to chug it. You expected the ketchup to stain his grey undershirt but whatever magic held his bones together also allowed for the ketchup to remain inside him.

By the time the sun was halfway across the sky, you had looted CVS of its medicine and candy supply. The ketchup isle was barren as Sans groggily walked around, acting like a drunk. Or maybe he was drunk.

"You know [Y/N]," he said, walking up to you. His face leaned dangerously close in front of your's and the pungent smell of ketchup filled the room. "I find you absolutely fascinating. I mean, I've killed millions of your people, yet there wasn't a BONE IN MY BODY that would allow me to kill you at the refugee camp."

This particular revelation of Sans not killing you at the refugee camp made you want to know more about him. You motioned for Sans to wait and grabbed a bottle of beer. You handed it to him in which he gratefully chugged.

"So as I was saying," he wiped a trail of beer from his mouth. "You're interesting, you know that? I could kill you..." Sans stands up suddenly and raises his hand. A massive skeleton head forms above him, forming a blue laser. He then sits down and the skeleton head disappears as quickly as it had come. "But I can't."

He looks at the spot above him from where you assumed he hallucinated Papyrus. "Funny... for a second, I swore that Papyrus had vanished."

"Is he gone?" you felt hope rise in your chest. Perhaps this was Sans' first step to recovery for whatever PTSD he was going through.

I've killed millions of your people...

You shook the thought off. "He's back," Sans nodded and then leaned against the isle staring fondly at his bottle of beer. "I never really understood why humans drank alcohol the way they did. I used to drink ketchup for Papyrus' sake during the days if the reset, but I'm thinking of changing habits..."

You stood up suddenly and brought the beer bottle to the ground, wincing as the pieces scattered across the ground. "What was that for?" Sans growled. You refused to get him addicted to alcohol. Not like....

Once more you shook off distant memories and looked nervously at the sun. "I should better be going..." you noted and began to make your way to the doors of the pharmacy. When you cast one last look at Sans he had vanished entirely.

You turned your gaze back to the door to find that Sans was standing directly in front of you, his pupils dark. "You can't go..." he growled. There was an intensity behind his stare, fear you recognized it as. He was afraid of being alone once more. Perhaps they would allow Sans to come back to the village with you...

But was bringing a hallucinating genocidal skeleton to a village of humans the brightest idea? He wasn't exactly the most stable of sorts.

You decided that you would fight for his life. He had saved your's as well as you had to him, so it was only fair that you held an advantage over him. Sans seemed to pick up on this and gave you a wry smile before searching the condiment isle for any spare bottles of ketchup.

"You know it's not healthy for someone to go through as much ketchup as you do," you scolded as Sans successfully produced a bottle of ketchup stuffed behind the mustard. Perhaps in an alternate universe did Sans fancy mustard.

"We better get going," he said and then nodded at the spot where you assumed Papyrus was. He closed his eyes for a moment as if in deep conversation with it before nodding to you. "We're ready."

Sans flexed his hand anxiously as you hopped onto your motorcycle. He shifted uncomfortably and hopped in behind you, wrapping his arms around you to keep steady. There was a light blue tint to his cheek bones that you found rather adorable before he stiffened and they faded away. You attempted to hide your disappointment and kicked the motorcycle into reverse. The jolt took Sans by surprise and he toppled off and collided with the pavement.

"Are you okay?!" you gasped and hopped off, bending down to examine him. You stuck out your hand. He hesitated for a moment and then embarrassingly took it.

"Yeah I'm fine," he murmured.

You were eventually able to successfully have him on the motorcycle. You drove past a mountain of ashes that you assumed were the Vulkin's and hurried past. The forest was still ablaze and you stopped at the horror unfolding. The entire village had been burnt to the ground. There weren't any bodies on the ground, so you assumed that they had evacuated safely.

But that meant they were risking exposure to the monsters...

Your brother was with them.

"I'm so sorry [Y/N]," Sans whispered, his eyes black. Perhaps if you had been a skeleton too, your eyes would be doing the same as his.

"We'll find them," you nodded, your voice right but determined.

Sans nodded in agreement. "Yes we will."

And so the two of you drove off into the starless night.

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