Undertale Ending

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This ending was written by @Lea_later

You look at Ink's open palm and then up at all the other Sanses. Your eyes slide from each one, each story, each appearance. None are the same but still they are just one person, wait they are just one person. What about the original?

Your eyes sweep across each face until your eyes settle on him, the original. Undertale, this is where it all started, where each AU was made. Without him none of them would exist, so why not get to know the core of each Sans?

You walk past Ink chewing on your lip to the center where Undertale Sans is, "I choose you."

You feel your face heat up a bit as you extract your (S/C) soul out of your chest, and bring it between the two of you. Your eyes collide with his and you see them, all of them within him, but they're buried.

His lazy grin widens, "It's 'bout time you gained some class kiddo."

You roll your eyes and giggle, "Sure, class."

He gives you a warm smile and latches his royal blue soul to yours. Once it attaches onto your soul, memories pass by in a flash. You holding so many different versions of Sans: Fresh, Ink, Blueberry, and G. Drawing all over G's face, dressing in Mafiatake's clothes, Joking around with Ink, Watching Dusttale Sans go drunk on ketchup, and seeing him go insane. All of these memories because of one little mistake: You.

Ink gaze from you to Classic, "Stay safe (Y/N). It was nice knowing you."

You walk over to Ink and hug him, "You can always visit in dreams or in person."

"True, but I have to keep you all balanced."

You pull back, " I know, but I hope to see you again."


You walk over to the Sans you chose and lope an arm through his and off you two go, to Undertale.

<<<<Time Skip 1 year later>>>>

"You two are so dead!"

The red-haired fish friend known as Undyne yells at you. You keep trying to suppress a giggle as you and Sans run side by side carrying Undyne's armor together and dodging flying spears.

Sans breaths between words, "Why...Did...We...Do...This..?"

You pull the armor closer to your chest, " She put Spaghetti in my pockets and shoes while I was sleep yesterday...This is payback."

"Why...Didn't You...Just say so?"

"I told you the plan last night."

You look behind you two to see Undyne still p'd off behind the two of you. She trips and you try to suppress a giggle, but doesn't work out too well. Then all of a sudden you're not running across the bridge in Waterfall, you're in the star room.

The turquoise crystals above you shimmer and glitter as if they were actual stars. You feel a pang of long for your brother, but you push it aside. You should be happy, your skeletal boyfriend is your partner in crime, you have friends that care about you, and you're safe.

You lay down and let out a sigh as you wait for Sans to catch his breath, The cool armor feels good against your sweaty skin, but you push to the side.

"Tibia honest with you I wish you weren't a handful, but at the same time it's the best thing in the world."

"And I wish you wouldn't joke about everything, but if you didn't life would be depressing."

"You are depressing," He sticks a hand out for you.

You take his hand and arch an eyebrow, "I am?"

He pulls you up and into a hug, "Only when you're not smiling."

You look up at and peck a kiss on his cheek, "Hmm. I smile when I'm you."

He chuckles, "Never bonely when I'm around, eh?"

You shake your head, "Never, You?"

He steps back and scratches the back of his skull, " Uh, well... Knock knock."

You put your hands on your hips, "Really Sans?"
"Just trust me, knock knock."

You sigh, "Who's there?"

He cracks an even bigger smile, "Mary."

"Mary who?"

He get on one knee and pulls a box from his pocket and opens it to reveal a waterfall 'star', "Marry me?"

You cover your mouth and shake your nod, "Yes! Yeah, I-"

He stands up and puts his teeth gently to your lips, "1 year later and here we are."

He slips the ring on your finger as you say, "I love you Sans."

"I love you too, (Y/N)."

(((Sort of 7 years time skip. You were telling your child the story.)))

"Daddy loves you doesn't he?"

You smile and kiss (child's name) on their forehead, " There's a lot more than that sweetheart, but for right now it's just a simple love story. So yes..."

(C/N) leans back resting their head on the soft pillow, (C/N) (H/C) hair is still damp from the shower making them shiver slightly. You pull the blankets up around your child that looks to be human, but has their dad's powers.

"Goodnight, baby."

"Goodnight mommy."

You kiss the child's forehead one last time and stand up then walk across the room to the door. You shut off the light and gaze at the room your eyes passing by the window when you see a golden star, just like Ink's eyes. You shrug it off though, you haven't seen, talked, nor heard from him in eight years, and right now he's a whole nother story for a different day, and the chances of him being there are slim. So you finally let it go and shut the door on that memory because despite everything you are still you. Deep inside is that 21 year old who got their life turned around just because she took a bullet for one person, and even though you hope to see the other Sanses, you won't.



This ending was written by @Lea_later

Make sure to follow them and check out their works!

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