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You had become obsessed with the idea that no matter what state he was in, Sans would not bring it upon himself to kill you. Despite the sadistic laughter that echoed from his room time to time, you were certain that there was still a trace of the humorous skeleton you had grown to...

Your stomach gave a loud growl, complaining for the food that would never come. You had run out of canned food a day ago and were on the last of your candles. Pretty soon the only light in the Underground would be the friendly pinpricks of light that were Sans' eyes.

Or the ominous purple glow of his left eye. That too.

Despite the constant message in your head that Sans would never kill you, there was a certain fear that restrained you from asking him to leave. You could imagine the claws that were his fingers digging into your flesh, making you scream out your own blood...

Stop it [Y/N]! you thought angrily and began to pace around the room. Your mind divided the situation into fragments.

There was a problem that needed to be fixed. What was the problem?

There is a psychotic skeleton that lives upstairs that could kill me at any second.

Your mind went blank after that. No matter what lessons your father had given you on monsters, nothing could prepare you for a fight with Sans. In the first days of the war between humans and monsters, it had been rumored that Sans was the turning point for the monsters' victory over the humans.

I have killed millions upon millions of your people... Sans' drunken words echoed in your mind.

Is that what Sans thinks of himself? A soldier? A weapon that has no more purpose now that the war is over? you wondered and glanced at the door that was now slowly cracked open.

"[Y/N]..." the slurred voice seemed to sing from above you. Blood roared in your ears and your hand fell to the knife that acted as your only weapon. "Don't you want to come join in on the fun?"

His voice began to change its pitch, ominously matching the voices of his deceased friends.

"It's quite fun when you get used to it."


"Why hide? Embrace it!"

Through the chorus of changed voices, you could make out a much softer one that sometimes arose. It came out as a faint whimper but you recognized the tone immediately. "Run [Y/N]," the voice urged you. "Just run."

You grabbed the last match and bolted out the door into the eternal darkness.

There was a difference between the darkness of night and the one you were in now. On the surface, there was always a source of light, illuminating the world even if it was the faintest glow

Here, there was only darkness. Sometimes you would catch wind of the purple eye that surveyed around the terrain, looking for you. "Are we playing hide and seek?" Sans laughed and began to walk around blindly. You gave a small squeak of fear as you collided with a house,

Sans' head spun around in the direction of your voice, the light from his eye illuminating the sadistic grin on his face. "You couldn't even make this a challenge, could you [Y/N]?" he smirked and slowly began walking towards you.

There was nowhere to run in the infinite darkness.

But somehow, this was familiar to you.

"We're almost there [Y/N]!" Sans' gruff voice came from below you. You gave a slight nod, the hundreds of flowers that now surrounded your face brushing against his skull. Sans struggled under your weight but kept going for your sake.

"Break the barrier..." you whispered. A few resets ago, a numbing sensation had begun in multiple limbs of your body. Slowly, you became weaker to the point where Sans had to carry you.

"Don't say that..." Sans replied, his voice wavering. The two of you both knew that your death was inevitable, the logical step being to use your soul as the final one to shatter the Barrier.

A sudden stabbing pain raked across your chest and you collapsed in front of the Barrier. Petal by petal, the flowers of your face began to fall off and circled around you. Am I going to live? you thought with excitement and attempted to lift a hand inky to find it still numb.

You were still dying.

Tears formed in the corners of your eyes as pain stabbed through your body. "Are you alright?" Sans' distressed voice came from above you. Flowey gave your shoulder a reassuring squeeze with a vine. "Everything is going to be okay," he whispered.

"Always be kind..." your voice came out scratched and broken

Sans seemed taken aback by this. "W-What do you m-mean?" he stammered. Tears fell to your face and you couldn't retain the whimper that escaped your lips.

"I-I love you..." you said at last, but it barely registered as speech.

"Could you say that again?" Sans asked, leaning closer to hear you. "I didn't quite catch that."

You opened your mouth to repeat the phrase, but you slipped into darkness before you could say anything else.

His claws wrapped around your shoulder. It felt like knives digging into your skin as a purple aura surrounded you, lifting you from the ground. "What's the point of hiding?" the purple eye seemed to reflect the sadistic humor that pulsed off Sans.

You refused to say anything, only causing Sans to enjoy this even further. "You're not even going to plead for your life? What a shame." He threw you to the ground, causing pain to rocket through your ankle. You let out a muffled cry. Sans' eye flickered from red to blue and then back to purple.

"I guess I'll just have to force it out of you..." he decided. Even in the darkness, you knew that bones had surrounded you, getting closer by the second

A small idea had formed inside your head. Insane as it was, it was most likely the only chance you had at survival.

You grabbed Sans by his hoodie and leaned in dangerously close. His eye flickered to multiple colors before settling on the familiar blue.

You don't know how long the two of you spent together kissing in the darkness, but it sure didn't matter to either one of you.

You eventually pulled away from Sans. His eye was no longer purple, but the friendly pinpricks of white light.

"Despite everything," you whispered, "it's still you."

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