Stage 7 "Football"

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Lucas placed the football on the ground. I guess there's nothing to it, he thought. He looked up at the goal where Jordan was watching him. For some reason a moment from one of his missions flashed through his mind. It had been in Cameroon when he had to snipe a rebel without hitting the hostage that was being held. I managed that. Compared to that, this should be a piece of cake.

Slowly, Lucas moved a few steps back. He looked back up at the goal as he remembered how he got ready in Cameroon to shoot. Calm your breathing, focus on the target, he told himself as he closed his eyes.

The eyes that were on him, the nervousness and everything else left as he concentrated on his breathing. His eyes shot open as he ran a few steps forward. His right leg swung back before he shot it forward at full swing, aiming straight for the ball while looking at his target; the goal.

He was careful to hit the ball as he has seen the others do before; with the side of his foot rather than with his toes. Upon impact the ball flew forward. Everyone, including Lucas himself, watched with anticipation.

The ball headed right towards the goal and Lucas held his breath. Jordan was moving, in the direction the ball was going. And then the ball curved widely and flew narrowly by the goal, right towards a group of students who were walking by.

Lucas watched in wonder as the ball smacked right into the back of one of the student's heads. There was a moment of silence. Lucas slowly turned towards the coach to see that he was scratching his head, as though trying to figure out what had happened.

Nathan and some of the other guys looked like they were trying to hold in laughter. Jordan just shook his head while the group of guys, of whom one had been hit, were laughing at their unfortunate friend who was rubbing his head.

"Your kick's a bit off," coach Duke commented.

Lucas rubbed the back of his neck while looking sheepish. "I guess I didn't really practice as much as I should have after the accident," he commented.

Coach Duke nodded, seeming to accept this. He turned to the other players. "Alright, make a line and start shooting. If Jordan saves it you run a lap. If you miss completely, you run two."

The boys did as they were told, lining up while one of the team members retrieved the ball from the group of guys Lucas had kicked it towards.

A hand landed on Lucas's shoulder. "Nice one," Rick told him.

"Right to the back of the head," another team member added with a chuckle.


Lucas turned to the coach.

"What are you doing?"

Lucas paused, not sure what was being asked.

"You missed, didn't you?" Coach Duke told him. "That's two laps."

"No mercy," Nathan murmured. He grinned at Lucas. "Good luck," he said before running forward.

Lucas watched him blast the ball into the goal, easily getting it past Jordan.

I guess I need to practice some, he thought as he turned and began to jog around the field.

The rest of the training consisted of shooting at the goal before the coach decided that he didn't want a scrimmage after all. Instead he had the team work on ball skills, dribbling in and out of cones. Some way or another Lucas managed to not stand out too much. If coach Duke noticed anything, such as his lacking in skill, he made no comment.

"Right. Hit the showers before class." It was the end call of practice. "And please, take a shower this time."

There were a few snickers.

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