Stage 4 "Roommates"

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Every fiber in Lucas’ body itched to eliminate the threat. However, a part of his brain reasoned with him. Undercover, he reminded himself. If Auden hasn’t made a move, it can’t be serious. He remained tense, and yet didn’t move.

“I said…” the voice began.

“Oh shut up Thomas, stop trying to scare the newbie,” Auden finally spoke up.

Lucas felt the grip tighten for a moment before the pressure disappeared completely.

“Ah, come on Auden. I was just playing,” the guy called Thomas said.

Lucas turned to get a look at him. He was about the same height as Lucas and also pretty built. His brown hair was cropped short and his grey eyes had a calculating look to them. He was currently sizing Lucas up.

“He’s a weird one. Didn’t even put up a struggle. What kind of man is he?” Thomas asked with obvious dislike.

“Thomas,” Auden scolded.

Thomas shrugged. “Just saying.” He narrowed his eyes. “You’re not on the Karate team, are you?”

Lucas shook his head.

“Phew,” Thomas told him. “We can’t do with any wimps. Do me a favor.”

Lucas waited for what it was.

“When you see me, don’t talk to me,” Thomas told him. “Otherwise, things may get rough.” He cracked his knuckles, glowering.

Threat, Lucas decided, though he didn’t feel threatened in the least. Somehow, after staring down the barrel of a gun a few times, cracking knuckles didn’t work. Can be taken care of if he gets aggressive. His eyes darted down to Thomas’ right knee. The way he’s holding himself suggests former injury. However, I conclude that avoiding him at all costs in order to not fall into conflict is the best option. Besides… he looked back up at Thomas’ face and resisted the urge to snort, Not worth my time.

Auden shook his head. “Is Train here?” he asked.

Thomas turned his attention away from Lucas, acting as though he were no longer standing there. “You just missed him. Practice ended a little while ago.”

“I see,” Auden replied. He let out a sigh. “I guess I’ll have to track him down later then.” He looked like he didn’t really want to do that. “Well then, we might as well head back to the dorms. You going too, Thomas?”

Thomas, still ignoring Lucas, shook his head. “I’m staying to practice until dinner.”

“Of course,” Auden replied. “Well then. See you around.” He turned and head to the cart.

Thomas walked past Lucas and back to the dojo, ignoring him completely. Lucas didn’t head him any attention as he hurried after Auden. Who knows, maybe that’s just how high school kids are, he thought as he got back into the golf cart.

“Well, looks like we have a bit of time before dinner,” Auden told Lucas as he began to drive. “By the way. There are two dining halls.”

Lucas already knew.

“One’s near the classrooms where we eat during the week the other is connected to the dorms and is for weekends.” They sped along the road at a fast pace, making some students jump out of the way just in time to save getting hit.

Finally, they reached a large building. Unlike the others, it had a round center with what looked like four long buildings coming out of it.

“Each section is a different dorm,” Auden explained. “Altogether we have four. You’re lucky enough to be placed in dorm three.” He grinned as he brought the cart to a stop. “Well, here we are.” He got out and Lucas followed.

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