Stage 28 "Pain and Memories"

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When Lucas was left alone he waited a while. No one else came in making him sure they were waiting for him to wake up in order to gage his reaction.

I'll be an innocent in this, the boy decided. If it convinces them or not, it'll be enough to buy some time. His cover story flashed through his mind in mere seconds. Say it was a dare. Even if they ask the student body and the boys deny it they'll be unable to confirm. Especially since the boys here don't snitch about dares or pranks... He remembered sneaking into Bell High and how despite the entire student body knowing, none of them had spilt the beans. And who knows...maybe Nathan will somehow catch on and keep the story going. Though he doubted it. All I need is to make time for Amber to get me out.

With his decision being made, the emotions he needed to feel were thought through. Emotions – ECHO made sure they trained their agents in the. It took months, for some even more, to be able to learn to pull up an emotion at whim. Though Lucas had mastered it, and it had gotten him out of situations before, he had been deadened to his own emotions in the process. Then again...lately he had been feeling new things. The thought made him hesitate. It won't interfere...will it? Brushing it aside he turned his attention back to the task at hand.

First wake up... His eyelids fluttered and he shifted ever so slightly. He was one hundred percent sure that even if no one else was in the room, he was still being observed.

He let out a cough, one he had been holding in. It hurt his dry throat and he so he groaned.

Stage 1: Confusion.

He shook his head, eyes opening.

"Man..." he croaked. Even has he lifted his head he took in the area at a glance.

A bleak spotless room stared back at him. The only things that occupied the otherwise empty space were a steel table right before him, an empty chair facing him, and the chair he currently sat on. A large mirror showed his own wide-eyes staring back.

Questioning room. He knew that behind that mirror there were people watching. In both corners to the front cameras blinked as they faced down, catching every move he made. No doubt they were being fed to a computer that analyzed his facial muscles for any emotion to try and get an accurate reading. He wouldn't expect any less from government. He was also sure there would be two more behind him, not leaving a blind spot anywhere in the room.

"What the...?" He wheezed. No objects to use as a weapon... He tried to move his arms only to feel them constrict and hear the handcuffs rattle. Correction. Cuffs, fists and chairs.

Stage 2: think it's all part of a prank the guys are playing. He let his wide eyes relax somewhat and a nervous laugh slipped past his lips. "Very funny guys." He jerked his arms and the handcuffs cut into his flesh. A visible wince flashed across his face. "A question room, sure. But handcuffs?" He shook his head. "Also, was knocking me out necessary?" He paused, as though waiting for a reply. "Hello?"

Another pause.

"Ok...this may be taking it too far," he muttered as he rattled the metal constricting his movement. His gaze wandered around the room in a fashion of that of a curious teenager. "How did you get permission to use all of this anyway?"

He paused again.

"Ah...fine. I get it." Lucas slumped back. "Silent treatment. Is this a scare tactic?" He let out a sigh. "You guys planned this from the beginning, didn't you?" he grumbled. "I bet it wasn't even a real dare!" he added louder. He rattled the cuffs again. "Come on guys. Jokes over."

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