Ramble Number Something

22 3 0

Alright, so here we are again. Maybe this is a rant, but I'm not quite sure.

Anyway, so I've been seeing people use the trademark symbol with a good majority of things they write and the phrase "yikes" to the point where it's becoming annoying. Just like "bae" and "smol", but those things don't bother me as much as they used to.

As I was saying, trademark symbol and yikes. I fail to understand why those two things are some trends that I mainly see in Tumblr. And those things just get on my nerves. I can't really explain why, but I think it's possibly because I've seen it too often and I just have an overall dislike towards modern trends. Plus it kind of terrifies me to see stuff from Tumblr being used a lot because I keep seeing the worst in humanity on that website.

Another thing that's been bothering me. The term "POC", which stands for "People/Person of Colour". It bothers me so much because it just gives off this negative feelings and it's just the old 1800s-1900s racist term "coloured people" reworded. You know how in the 1900s how they had the two water fountains with the nicer looking one with "white" on top of it and the shoddy one with "color" on top of it. Yet I see all these people using it like it's some sort of cool term, that it's cool to use. Do people even realise how racist it is and the history of it? It reminds me of something like buying  a knife and then repainting it to make it look harmless toy. To be honest, I just want that term to go die in a hole because it perpetuates segregation, a them vs. us mentality. It groups us all together into one group. All people are more than that? Why did we even think that grouping was a good idea for stuff like this? It only damaged us all in the end.

I mean, come on people. It's 2016 for goodness sake but it seems like we're regressing, spitting on all the progress we made. We shouldn't be obsessed with race and the color of our skin. A person's character isn't defined by their outside, only by the inside. Since, we're going to all be adults soon, it's time to take the future into our hands because it's our's. Don't let our past mistakes rattle us, we must learn, acknowledge, and move on. Because we all make mistakes and it's okay. It's part of human nature and being human.

I just needed to get this off my chest. Feel free to debate. Thank you for listening to my rambling and have an amazing day/night!

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