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Is it just me, or does it bother any of you when you see people talking trash about another person on WattPad or some random social media and mention their username in their rants? I've read some rant books where people talk about horrible stories, mock other users, etc. and they mention the author's name; however the author isn't tagged so they'll have to look for the chapter themselves. Excuse my weird punctuation. Anyway...
It just bothers me because it just seems disrespectful in a way and a bit cowardly. The people have the nerve to talk bad about another to others, but can't say those things directly to them. It's a different story if they know each other in real life and the people are siblings or something like that, or if that person is bothering them personally like cyber bullying. But if cyberbullying were the case, then that'd be stooping down to that other person's level of lowness, which wouldn't be morally correct. Most likely.
But otherwise for irrelevant things they can escape by simply going back or deciding not to look there again, that's going a bit far. I know it bothers you, but that doesn't mean you should inform other people about the other author because people can be unpredictable. They can either react positively by doing nothing negative or offering excellent advice. Or they can act negatively, in which they only give off hatred and pure immaturity.
I think this whole thing is just based on our own personal morals, so there would be no true answer. Or it's just that I'm delusional right now because it's late right now as I am typing this. I'm probably going to cringe at this in the morning. Anyway, it's your decision and I would love to hear your opinion upon the subject.

And I just played basketball for the school team today. We lost, but it was fun and competitive. XD My feet hurt from hustling all over the court, but it was still great.

Anyway, have a great day/night~! ^_^

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