
43 8 15

Tagged by JapanianPower and LuneTwilight .
1. Do I like someone?
Someone? I like multiple people, probably about fifteen total. And as in like, I mean I crush. Yes, this perfectly normal for me. I crushed on about five people in fifth grade. .-. Send help. ;-;
2. Do they like me?
As far as I know, about half of them are fictional and there's a 98% chance that my feelings are not returned from the real people. I'm only decent and weird in a bad way, how can I necessarily attract other people?
3. Middle name?
Emi. My middle name is Japanese. If you want how it's written in Japanese, it's 恵美. It means "beautiful blessing".
4. Single or taken?
Single in real life. Taken and married in fanfiction. *stares at a friend* You know who you are.
5. Last person I texted?
A teammate from basketball.
6. Last song I listened to?
Rolling Girl by wowaka. I know I listen to depressing songs, but I like their meanings.
7. Battery %?
8. Girl best friend?
I have quite a few.
9. Guy best friend?
I have quite a few too.
10. Favourite OTP?
Dang it. Why? Why this question? ;-; I'll just choose a random favourite right now by drawing from a bag.
And the top seven winners are...
Gildrey... (Glob dang it.)
Italeen (Italy x Queen_of_the_Thieves )
Sielv (Nyo!Belgium x March-Hare )
Yes, I ship friends with characters. Don't judge me. These are actually really cute.
11. Why I made an account?
A friend forced me to because she wanted me to follow her.
12. Current lock screen?
Denmark from Hetalia. I've had that lock screen for about five months now.
13. Birthday?
April 1st. My relatives didn't believe my parents when they told them I was born. ;-;

And I tag...
Whoever the heck wants to do this.  Have fun and a great day/night~! ^_^

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