2020 Summer Olympics

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I'm really excited for that event! By then, I'll be old enough to be in college and to get a job, so I was thinking I could save up enough money to head over there and watch at least one event.

However, it'll be extremely expensive and I'm not sure I'll learn enough to be fluent by them... If I remember correctly, it cost over $2,000 for my entire family to go. *sobs intensely* It costs about $500 bucks to go there for a single person, but the price could go higher by then. Another thing that goes into consideration is the cost for food, and in Tokyo the stuff is extremely expensive unlike the suburbs. Dang it, I'm hoping I could get a summer job some time soon, but I don't want it to interrupt with my studies and charity work. ;-;
Upon the topic of money, I owe my parents so much because when I was younger, I was a spoiled child. They gave me a lot. Yeah, I hate myself for that, but I'm happy that I wasn't a complete brat though. *slapped* I'm hoping when I manage to make enough money to sustain myself and a family, then I could pay them back for everything. I feel horrible when people spend money on me because I'm not worth it. I don't deserve it. Anyway, my day is fine and I'll try to update soon.

Thank you for reading and have a great day~! ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

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