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- I walk/run with my feet pointing out, which has screwed up my feet and I now must wear shoes arc supports. Currently, I'm trying to walk straight, but it feels weird. ;~;
- I usually wear two special bracelets on my right wrist. On days where I can't find them, I wear a necklace with quartz in it.
- Since I can't sit still whenever I'm nervous, I grab the bottom of the chair and rock in it.
- Sputtering incomprehensible words is my specialty when I'm flabbergasted, nervous, or occasionally in general.
- People can't hear me when I talk about 70% of the time because I tend to mumble. A lot, but I'm trying to break that habit.
- I laugh at myself about 90% of the day.
- When I'm bored or a certain conversation happens, I tend to say stuff that's gory or violent.
- All my papers at school and in general have drawings, mostly really horrible ones.
- Sometimes I ask people to hit me because I love the feeling of pain. Usually. It feels soothing and it makes me feel alive.
- When I'm nervous or in extreme pain (my masochistic abilities don't go too far), I tend to hit things with my fists, usually the desk.
- I don't say actual profanities, but substitutions like: crud, ship, frick, frack, flipping, fudge, shiitake, etc.
- I usually pack extra food in my lunch so I can give food to my friends or hungry classmates.
- Singing and dancing to songs whenever I hear them. Which earns the states of disappointment from some of my friends. XD Only the dancing part.

And that is all. For now.

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