Another 100 Question Challenge

24 4 12

So I was tagged by ShadowXIII to do this and it was really long. Yeah, I totally had fun. .-. I FELT YOUR PAIN TWICE NOW. Anyway, here it is:
Another Challenge:
1. Real name: Audrey
2. Nicknames: Audd (*quietly staring at my teacher and best friend*), Emi-Audd (Mama Kimmi~!), Senpai, Noche-nee (Ro-senpai~!), Emi-chan (*staring at my grandparents*).
3. Favorite color: Blue or pink. I can't decide.
4. Male or Female: Female
5. Elementary school: Refuse to answer. Went with a friend who is in here.
6. Middle school: Same applies to the precious.
7. High school: Once again, same applies to previous. Still going to school with my best friend.
8. College: I'm not sure, but one I want to attend is UCLA.
9. Hair color: I think it's black, however it looks brown sometimes.
10. Tall or short: I'm short.
11. Sweats or jeans: Which season? Jeans for any season, but I love sweats for late autumn and winter...
12. Phone or Camera: Phone, but it'd be really fun to carry a camera around all the time.
13. Health Freak: Slightly. Plenty people around me are health freaks.
14. Orange or Apple: Apple
15. Crush: One? I have multiple crushes!
16. Guy friends or girl friends: Both all the way.
17. Piercings: None. I don't plan to get my ears or any body part pierced at all.
18. Pepsi or Coke: None. Water, juice, and milk only.
19. Been in an Airplane: Yes.
20. Been in a Relationship: Nope, and probably won't be for several years. Hopefully.
21. Been in a Car Accident: Maybe?
22. Been in a fist fight: Um... Something happened in PE today. I'll explain later.
23. First piercing: Never got anything pierced.
24. Best friend: .-. I can't decide. I have multiple. But let's see... One of them twerked on me today, another one is currently singing a lot of songs from Phantom of the Opera *staring at TyneeTiny *, multiple of them are faraway, and the rest are in my group of friends.
25. First Award: Accelerated Reader for 10 AR points in kindergarten.
26. First crush: His name starts with a  M. Crushed on him since preschool. I know, that's pretty crazy.
27. First Word: // I can't remember. //
28. Any Talent(s): Playing the piano, art (not really, but you decide), and singing(?).
29. Last person you talked to: My mom.
30. Last person you texted: BabyBlur
31. Last person to watch a movie with: My friends.
32. Last thing you ate: Apple sauce
33. Last movie/TV show you watched: The Simpsons
34. Last thing you bought: My lunch.
35. Last person you hugged: @TyneeTiny (my outside world best friend)


36. Food: Noodles with egg, curry, fried rice, donburi, rice, miso soup, empanada, burrito, egg, steak, onions, cheeseburgers, gyoza, pasta, beef, chicken... I'm sorry, I can't choose one thing. There's so much more, but I won't list it. XD
37. Drink: Smoothie.
38. Bottoms: Sport shorts.
39. Flowers: Can't decide. Two of my top favorites are dandelions and cherry blossoms.
40. Animal: Dogs, naked mole rats, lizards, guinea pigs, red panda, fennec fox, cougar, ram, penguin, random birds I see at school, cookie cutter shark, koi fish, cats, killdeer, mice, bunnies, killer whale, blobfish, okapi, megaladon, etc. I can not choose a single favorite animal. Seriously, I can go on forever about this.
41. Color: Blue or pink.
42. Movie: The Corpse Bride
43. Subject: Art, Latin, History, Science (not including Physics), and Math.
44. [\] Fallen in love. (I am not sure if it was true love or just crushes.)
45. [x] Celebrated Halloween.
46. [ ] Broken someone's heart.
47. [ ] Go over the texting limit/minutes on your phone.
48. [x] Have someone like you.
49. [/] Hated the way someone changed. (I only disliked the way he changed. I don't hate much.)
50. [ ] Got pregnant.
51. [ ] Had an abortion.
52. [xxxxxx] Did something you regret (I regret countless things.)
53. [x] Broken a promise (and I hate myself for that).
54. [x] Hid a secret (I'm a master at that).
55. [x] Pretended to be happy.
56. [x] Met someone who changed my life (my humanities teacher. She showed me the fun of writing).
57. [ ] Pretended to be sick.
58. [x] Left the country.
59. [x] Did something you normally wouldn't and liked.
60. [x] Cried over the silliest things.
61. [x] Ran a mile.
62. [ ] Gone to the beach with your best friend. (I wish.)
63. [x] Got in an argument with your friends.
64. [x] Disliked someone.
65. [x] Stayed single for two years since the first time you had boy/girlfriend or been single forever.


66. Eating: Nothing.
67. Drinking: Water.
68. Listening to: classical music.
69. Sitting/Laying: Sitting.
70. Plans for Today: Finish homework, study, practice piano, and finish some long overdue one-shots.
71. Waiting for the right person: Kind of yes, kind of no.
72. Want kids: Heck yes.
73. Want to get married: Mostly yes.
74. Want to travel: Definitely yes. I would love to travel to Vermont (USA), Canada, Finland, Japan (again), France, England, Australia, the Philippines, Belgium, Romania, Germany, Italia, Denmark, Norway, Iceland, China, Russia, Syria, Seychelles, Taiwan, Singapore, Vietnam, South Korea, Chad, Greece, Turkey, Latvia, Estonia, Ukraine, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Moldova, Sealand, Wy, Molossia, Brazil, Spain, Mexico, Hutt River, Mongolia, Hungary, Austria, etc. Basically I want to travel the entire world. Even Antarctica.


75. Lost glasses: Yes, a few times.
76. Snuck out of the house: No, but I wanted to several times.
77. Held a gun/knife for self-defense: No, I fight with my fists and feet. And any other objects surrounding me, but I would love to use a knife in combat.
78. Killed someone: No, and I don't plan to. Ever.
79. Broke someone's heart: No... I think.
80. Been in love: Ehh... Not sure if it was love or a crush.
81. Cried when someone died: Yes, and I still cry about their deaths sometime.


82. Yourself: Not really.
83. Miracles: Yea.
84. Love at first sight: About 5% I believe in it.
85. Heaven: Yes, I do.
86. Santa: Yes. My brother and I screwed up too many times for him to even considering visiting us though. XD
88. Ghosts/Angels: Yes. I know someone who can see them and I saw one once a long time ago.


89. Lips or eyes: None really, but I guess eyes.
90. Shorter or taller: Taller, even though I despise being short.
91. Younger or older: Same age, but I wouldn't mind anyone older, as long as the age difference is one to three years.
92. Troublemaker or Hesitant: Any would be fine.
93. Romantic or spontaneous: Both. Any is fine though because I'm not really picky.
94. Hookup or Relationship: Relationship because I only want true love.
95. Looks or personality: Personality for the win.


96. Is there anyone you want to be with right now: Yes, but I kind of want to be alone right now. Plus she is already dead...
97. Do you know who your real friends are: I think I do.
98. Believe in God: Umm... I believe that he exists, along with Allah, Jesus, the divine figures from mythology, and basically any religious figure too.
99. Posted 100 Truths: はい。
100. I will tag:
No one. Anyone who wants to do this can.

Anyway, I hope you have a great day/night~! See you later~! ^_^

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