Chapter Six

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Super sorry I didn't upload sooner, I feel like such a bum ragamuffin! Well, thankies for being patient and what not! Love you guys!

Ps: dedication to my friend, with her new Wattpad account! :D

Check her out, yah know?

~BeautifullyAwkward ♥

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"Ugh, I wish my pores weren't so big, they're the size of craters!" Jenna whined, flipping the pages through Seventeen Magazine. "Jenna you already know they use technology to enhance the beauty of those women. Hello, the dove affect..."

"You're right, but what about my pasty skin!"

"Jenna, your skin is fine," I sigh. "Coming from the girl who barely uses any beauty products!" Jenna furrows her eyebrows, turning the next page in her magazine. I sigh, taking a handful of popcorn in my hand, and going onto the new page in my novella, Tales of the Mistress.

Her prince, though dangerous was as alluring as a flame itself; beautiful-but quick to burn. She sauntered slowly over to his arms, and he wrapped his arms around her. Laying poison deadly butterfly kisses on her neck-

"...Fallon! Hello, are you even listening to me?"

"Oh, sorry!-I was, sorry..."

I had a tendency to drone Jenna out when she babbled about skin problems. I had a pimple her and there, and my skin wasn't perfectly clear, but I didn't stress about it. Half of the media is bull crap anyways. "Anyways, I think I want to breakup with Luke." Jenna sighed, rolling over onto her back. "Why is that?"

"I think we're becoming too-official. Yah know? Like two nights ago, he took me to the park afterschool, just because! Our relationship just used to be nonstop, good ol' sex...but now it's just,"-she takes a handful of popcorn-"I don't know..."

Jenna couldn't hold a relationship past a week and half after her two year relationship with Cole, all the other guys were just too briefly close an emotional void, and it was hard to keep her past two weeks. But she and Luke had been going out for three weeks, she must be worried now. "Jen," I begin, "Just give him a chance. I mean-you really do like him. Don't you?"

Yeah, he's a great guy actually-the ideal package..."

"Then what s wrong?"

"It's just too much! I can't handle it! I think we might be in love...!-and you know I can't deal with that kind of stress. I mean think about how badly I'll bloat! I'll be eating cookies for days! Days man, days!" she flailed her arms in the air to express her exasperation. "I wish I could be like you happily sad alone."

I draw up a blank face, semi-offended by her words. "You know, I think I might want to go for one of those Whole Foods guys, they're usually deep in philosophical. You know what a turn on smart guys are; for me." she shrugs, picking up my black nail polish, and painting her big toe.

"Why are you pushing Luke away?"

"He used to be dangerous-sexy-and mysterious! Now he's an open book at my disposal! I just..I just don't like it alright, he doesn't even want to have sex anymore..." she snivels. "He just wants to buy me flowers, and tell me I am's getting personal; last night he texted me asking what my favorite food was."

"Jen, I'm going to tell you this as a friend C-" I stopped myself, drawing my lips closed tight shut. I wanted to tell her Cole was gone, and was never coming back, I wanted to tell her she had to move on and sop clinging to the past. He was dead now, and she had to except it.

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