Chapter Thirty Three! <33

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Chapter Thirty-Three

The first thing that comes to mind when my eyes open is that Alistair fell asleep beside me.  I involuntarily fling my arm out to make sure he is still there. “Looking for something?” he whispers.

           Thank God you’re still here. I think to myself, smiling. “No,” I roll my eyes looking away from Alistair.

           “When do you think your Dad is getting home?”

           “Probably in the afternoon,”

           “Then, would you like me to cook you breakfast?” Alistair inquires. “Before I leave,”

           “That would be nice…” I whisper.

“I take it we’re not going to school today?” Alistair says, I look over at the clock it was eight! Shit, we slept in.

“I guess not, my Dad won’t mind.”

           Alistair and I get out of bed, we both make up our sides of the bed and I stop dreamily starring at Alistair. I still couldn’t believe we were couple. For some reason though, I feel like I keep avoiding the fact that this was but a mere challenge… and that I was planning against both Zoey and Alistair and after this maybe we won’t be able to get back together.

           He might not care that much that you used him emotionally in order to get Zoey back. He might not mind that you spent months pretending to be falling in love only to show that it barely meant anything. “Earth to Fallon, what’s going on up there?” he laughs.

           I blink out of my phase, and look out him blankly. “Sorry, I was just thinking.”

           “Bout what?”

           “Nothing much,” I make my way to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I turn on the faucet wetting my toothbrush before putting on a slab of toothpaste and vigorously brushing my teeth. Alistair comes up behind me rinsing his toothbrush and beginning to brush his teeth vigorously as well. After about a good four minutes of brushing till our mouths were foamy we took turns rinsing.

           “Fresh breath kiss?” Alistair muses, leaning in.

           “No can do going to take a shower,” I smile coyly.

           Alistair’s mouth breaks into a mischievous grin. “I can help you with that,”

           My heart inevitably flutters and I bit my lip. “You have been a good boy and have respected my wishes from last night,” I step forward, caressing his cheek. He catches my hand as my fingers descend down his cheek, clasping it lightly in his fingers inhaling at my wrist keeping his eyes boring into mine. I bite my inner cheek and my gaze lowers from his.

           “As always you smell ever so delicious Fallon,”

           “Thank you,” I pant, trying to keep from seeming startled and scared. His eyes darken, and he never stops looking at me. He inhales one more time deeply, and I keep my eyes on the ground trying to keep my breathing even. My eyes immediately dart up to Alistair’s when he draws his tongue across my wrist. I gasp out of pleasure but mostly fear. He begins sucking on my wrist, keeping his eyes on me testing how I was to react. I open my mouth to say something but it only comes out as a pant.

           He doesn’t stop either; I could feel his tongue gliding across my bare pulsating wrist, gently sucking it. My heartbeat was quickening. He was still looking into my eyes waiting for a reaction, but my face drew up blank. Caught in a twilight of pleasure and terror. He then gently drags his incisor tooth down my wrist, not hard enough to break flesh but enough to make me jump slightly. He smiles, delighted at my inability to stay strong.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2013 ⏰

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