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{ one year later }


christmas came sooner than we all thought. suddenly christmas songs were playing on every station, all of the houses lite up at night, christmas trees were put up. but i was happy it was christmas because that meant that everyone was home. and to celebrate that, luke was throwing a small christmas party at his apartment.

mali and i were on our way to his house. i was excited to see everyone. despite what happened, emmy and i actually became good friends. i accepted the fact that she was with luke and i realized that they were beyond perfect for each other. although, i knew that i would always care for her even if we weren't together.

i was just thankful that things weren't awkward between us anymore. the first couple months after we all found out things were insanely awkward. but we all have moved passed that.

when we got to luke's, there were a bunch of people there. most of the people i knew but some of them i didn't recognize.

mali and i immediately started mingling with a bunch of people. when i was catching up with michael and his new girlfriend, alexis, i noticed a girl with bright red hair glancing over at me. she was breathtaking but i wasn't sure if i even wanted to go and talk to her.

i hadn't been in a relationship since emmy and the though of getting into another one kind of scared me.

looking around, i saw emmy with luke on the other side of the room. they were laughing with a couple other people. luke had his arm wrapped around her waist and she leaned back into him. emmy caught my gaze and excused herself from the group to make her way over to me.

"merry christmas," she greeted.

"merry christmas," i smiled.

"so is there a reason that you're sanding here alone even though that girl over there has been checking you out for the past ten minutes?" she asked. leave it to emmy to always be blunt.

"i don't know," i sighed.

"you're scared, aren't you?" she asked. i was almost shocked that she was able to guess that i was scared but then i remembered that she used to know me better than anyone.

"it's okay to be scared, you know," she continued. "i was terrified."

i was shocked at her revelation. but i could see her being scared to get into a relationship with luke after what happened with me and mali.

"her name's blaze," she said. "i used to live with her when i was in college. she's a nice girl, funny too. i think you'd like her."

at first i didn't say anything. looking back at the girl, blaze, i saw how she smiled a little at me and gave me a small wave.

"cal, i can tell you like her. now please do us both a favor and let yourself be happy with someone," she explained.

so i took a deep breathe and nodded. i wanted to be happy. and i didn't need emmy to do that. she was right. she moved on, and so could i. so i mustered up all the courage i had and made my way over to the red haired girl who had been smiling at me. and for the first time, i thought to myself things are going to be just fine. things are going to be better and i will find my way though the dark, because there is always a light to guide me there.

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