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the first thing i did after leaving lia's apartment was grab my car keys and head down to the garage. when lia told me what happened, i was beyond shocked. i would have never thought that my life would get as complicated as me dating my best friend's ex girlfriend without knowing.

i knew when i got in my car that i was driving back to my home town to see calum and mali. but i had no idea what i was going to do when i got there. i couldn't live with the fact that there was a huge gash between my best friend and my girlfriend.

i wanted to fix it. i didn't know how, but i wanted to fix it even though i knew that lia thought that it was unfixable.

it took me three hours to get back to my home town which almost surprised me. normally it would take closer to four hours to get home. but i was emotional and probably wasn't the safest driver.

luckily, calum and i lived only a block away from each other. i stopped by at my house for a little bit to say hi to my mum. she was shocked to see me considering i didn't tell her i was coming down to visit.

i had told her about lia over the phone a couple times so when we sat down together i explained what happened. i was glad that she was always so great at giving me advice.

she explained to me how it was noble of me to want to fix the rift between lia and calum and mali. she also reminded me that it might not be possible to do so but that i should try anyways.

after talking with my mum i said goodbye and drove over to calum's house. i was glad to see that both his and mali's cars were in the driveway meaning they were both home.

i probably spent a good five minutes in my car thinking of what i was actually going to do. but i finally got the nerve to actually knock on the door, which was a little weird. normally, i would never knock on their door, i would just walk in. that was how close calum and i were.

but mali was the on to open the door. she even gave me a confused look.

"luke?" she asked surprised. "what are you doing here?"

"um, i actually came to talk to you and calum," i told her.

she let me inside but look confused about what i said. i was never really close with mali. we would never really talk much so i knew that it was a little weird that i specifically wanted to talk to both of them.

she called calum down and when he saw me he stopped in his place.

"what are you doing here?" he asked taking the last few steps down.

"i needed to talk to both of you," i explained.

"luke if you're here to talk about lia, then we don't want to hear it," he sneered emphasizing her name. i knew that he, like just about everyone else, called her emmy or em.

"who's lia?" mali asked.

"look calum," i started but he only cut me off.

"no, luke. i don't know what she told you, but she definitely didn't tell you everything considering you're still on her side," calum snapped.

"well then tell me," i exclaimed. "because up until now, i've never heard you talk about her."

i could tell calum was getting mad. i had never really seen him that upset before.

"luke, emilia was the love of my life. then one day she just broke up with me. no reason, no explanation. then neither of us saw her again," calum explained.

looking over at mali, i saw her looking down at the floor. she immediately got a look of guilt.

"she's innocent, you know?" i told her. she looked up at me. i knew that bringing up lia was just making them both upset, but i had to try and fix it. i knew that lia was innocent.

"and i want to believe that," she said just above a whisper.

"innocent? what are you talking about?" calum asked.

"okay this is stupid. all we are doing is going in circles," i told them.

"what exactly did you hope to accomplish by coming here luke?" calum asked.

"i don't know," i sighed. "but i couldn't just live with the fact that my best friend and his sister practically hate my girlfriend."

"emilia is your girlfriend?" mali asked.

i just nodded.

"you shouldn't trust her," she told me.

"well then obviously neither of you know her the way i do," i snapped.

"she keeps a lot of secrets, luke. we just don't want you to be hurt because of it," she continued.

"and by secrets i assume you're talking about how she never told you about her dad."

neither of them said anything but it was clear on their faces that i was right.

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