caffeine overdose

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when i woke up i was extremely disappointed that it was eight in the morning. i didn't have class until eleven. and i also had an exam. great.

so i decided to get ready and go down to the coffee shop i found just down the street and maybe study. plus i needed caffeine to get through my exam.

i was majoring in math but my exam was in the psychology class i was taking. and as much as i loved the psychology class i was in, the exams made me want to kill myself. they were horrible and our professor tested us on the stupidest little things.

after i showered, i quickly threw on a pair of black skinny jeans that were on my bedroom floor and some band shirt. it ended up being a green day shirt. and i grabbed a beanie to throw over my hair because i really didn't want to have to deal with my hair.

i grabbed my backpack and a flannel before exiting my apartment. right as i was locking my door i saw lia come out of her apartment.

"hey lia," i told her while shoving my keys into my pocket. she jumped a little before turning to look at me. she looked tired, like she couldn't get a good night's sleep.

"hey luke," she said running her hands through her hair a couple times. "what's up?"

"i was just going down to the coffee shop to overdose on caffeine and try to study for the exam i have later," i joked as we walked towards the stairs.

she laughed at my comment. lia's laugh was really cute. actually, it was more like a giggle. but still. and her smile was contagious. it reminded me of calum's. he always could light up a room with his smile.

"that sounds like a blast," she laughed.

i was walking just a tad in front of her. we were almost down the stairs when i quickly turned around in front of her. she almost ran into me, but still.

"do you maybe want to overdose on caffeine with me for a little bit?" i asked.

she gave me a smile and nodded.

on our way to the coffee shop lia was asking me about school. and i bored her with my story about how i was a math major and how i also was taking a lot of other classes that had nothing to do with math because no matter how good i was at it, i was interested in a lot of other things besides math.

and in return she told me about how she majored in marine biology but had a love for literature and took many english classes. and how she ended up getting a job at the local aquarium but loved to read in her spare time.

when we got to the coffee shop i got myself a double cappuccino while lia ordered a caramel macchiato.

we sat down at a little table next to a window in the back of the shop.

"so can i see your textbook about humans and how psychotic we actually are?" she asked leaning forward onto the table.

i grinned and pulled my psychology textbook out of my  bag and dropped it on the table.

"that looks like fun," she joked as our drinks came. 

"oh totally," i said rolling my eyes sarcastically.

"okay random question: why did you move into my apartment building?" she asked.

"i was living in a place bigger place with my other friend michael but the rent got too high and we couldn't find a good place for the two of us so i decided to get a little place for myself," i explained.

micheal and i had a two bedroom apartment a couple blocks away that was actually pretty nice. but now michael got a cheap place closer to campus because he had a problem for being late.

"oh that's cool. i used to share this big apartment with like four other people when i was still in school but some of them moved when we graduated," she continued.

"that's cool. are you still in touch with them?" i asked.

"i'm still really close with two of them, logan and charlie, and we hang out often. one of them, anthony, i talk to every once in a while but not as much and we all pretty much lost contact with blaze since she moved away."

"are they all guys?" i asked. i couldn't really tell because a couple of the names could be used for both genders.

"no charlie is short for charlotte but she hates going by that name. and blaze is also a girl," she explained. "what about you? any friends? or am i now your new bestie?"

"sorry to say but i actually do have friends. i hang out with michael a lot and also our friend ashton who lives in the town over. i've known them for a really long time. and also cal, but we don't hang out as much considering he lives a couple hours away."

after i told her about my friends, lia glanced at her phone frowning at the time. she had to run a bunch of errands before going into work and she also wanted to let me actually study. but before she left i did get her phone number.

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