locals spot

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after luke left, i took a quick shower and got dressed in a pair of black skinny jeans and a loose black crop top. i was about to look for a jacket when i saw luke had left his flannel on my couch. i slipped it over my shoulders. it was huge on me but i liked it.

i ran my fingers through my wet hair and shook it out so it would dry. i applied a little makeup while i was still in the bathroom. i only put on light foundation and eyeliner. i grabbed my purse hanging in my closet and slipped my phone and keys in it.

i just walked out of my room when luke walked back into my apartment. he was wearing black skinny jeans and a black t shirt to match. funny that we both were wearing just about all black. the only thing i was wearing that wasn't black was his flannel which was red and black.

luke looked at me up and down before noticing the flannel.

"i believe that's mine," he stated, "it looks good on you."

it was already almost one when we left considering that we woke up at around noon. we took luke's car and he wouldn't tell me where we were going no matter how many times i asked him.

we arrived in a deserted parking lot that bordered a small forest on the edge of the town. luke got out of the car with me following him. he went to the trunk of his car only to pull out a backpack and sling it over his shoulder.

"what are we doing here?" i asked.

"follow me."

and without warning, luke walked down onto a path that i didn't even notice. walking through the trees i was astounded by how beautiful it was. i was too busy looking around that i didn't notice when luke stopped, resulting in me running right into him.

"we're here," he stated simply.

i looked at him in confusion. it looked like we were at the edge of the forest now. i could see the next town over through the trees.

"you're not scared of heights, are you?"

"no," i replied still hopelessly confused. "why?"

"let's climb."

without another word, luke started climbing the tree behind him. i stood there for a second before i looked passed luke and towards the top of the tree. i never would have noticed there was a wooden platform built at the top. so i started climbing.

there were a lot of low branches so it was an easy climb. i quickly caught up to luke tailing right behind him.

"what would you have done if i was afraid of heights?" i asked him.

"i would have taken you to a clearing a little ways down the path. that's where most people go but i thought you would like this better," he said as we continued climbing.

i saw luke get to the platform and hoist himself up. when i got to it, it was too high up for me to be able to hoist myself up. i could grab onto the platform but my upper body strength wasn't that strong. thankfully luke grabbed onto my arms and pulled me up.

"thanks," i told him. then i looked out. the platform had a perfect view of the town over and on the other side, a beautiful view into the forest. "how did you find this?"

luke had sat down on the platform and unzipped his backpack. he was unloading a blanket and food. he planned a picnic.

"my friend, ashton, lives in the town that you're looking at. he became friends with a bunch of locals and they showed him it. it's a locals spot but since i hang out with them a lot, i'm allowed to use it," he explained.

"well, it's awesome," i told him as i sat down next to him on the blanket he spread out.

"so is this date good enough that i get a second one?" he asked passing me a sandwich.

"so far so good, but it's not over yet," i smirked.

thanks again for reading!!
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