a shitty day

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it had been a bad day. like really bad.

i woke up late and was late to one of my classes that was based on lectures. so i had to get notes from the girl that sat next to me and she gave me a dirty look when i took pictures of the pages. but honestly, what did she expect when i asked for the notes?

after class i had to go straight to the library to study and do my assignments but of course the library was closed. so i had to haul my ass down to the public library because i needed book sources for a project i was working on.

and then some stupid high schooler spilled coffee on the rough draft of the paper i was so close to finishing. and i almost yelled at the kid but we were in a library so i couldn't. but i was pretty close to punching him.

but i salvaged most of the paper. i dried it off and could read the majority of the paper. and when i tried to type it up on my laptop, it kept glitching so i had to take it into the shop and get it updated and fixed. and that cost a lot of money. plus i wouldn't get it back for a couple days.

and on my way driving home there was an accident so instead of it taking all of ten minutes i was stuck in the same part of town for at least half an hour.

so i was at home, sitting on my couch, blasting music as loud as i possibly could from the speakers i had. i had been just laying on the couch staring at the ceiling when someone was pounding on the door.

i had expected it to be a neighbor complaining about the sound but was pleasantly surprised to find lia standing in front of me with her arms crossed.

"you know if you're going to blast your music so loud that i can barely hear myself think, you might as well just invite me over," she said as she walked past me and into my apartment.

she walked straight to the speaker and turned it down a little and began running through the songs picking the next few that would play.

"you know if you're going to just barge into my apartment you might want to wait until i do something like, oh i don't know, invite you in?" i joked as i lied back down on the couch watching her fiddle with the music.

"well you should have thought about that before you started blasting your music," she said taking a seat on the coffee table in front of the couch i was laying on. "speaking of, any particular reason you're blasting your music?"

"had a shitty day," i mumbled.

"want to talk about it?" she asked.

"not really."

"okay," she told me shrugging. "then move your legs so i can lie down too."

i was almost shocked a that she didn't push the subject. most of my other friends would have and i was thankful that she wasn't pressuring me into telling her. so i moved my legs allowing her to lie down on the other end of the couch. our legs ended up twisting together in order to find a comfortable position.

"thanks," i told her after another song had passed.

"for what?" she asked giving me the ultimate confused look.

"for not making me tell you when i said i didn't want to talk about it," i explained.

"no problem. if you wanted to talk about it then you would have."

and that was how i ended up telling her about my shitty day.

"hey just remember that no matter how shitty your day was, you can always flush it down the toilet and start a new one," she told me when i finally finished.

"how on earth did you come up with that one?" i laughed.

"ah you see one of my many talents includes coming up with stupid inspirational quotes in the moment," she responded.

and somehow, she managed to make my day just a little less shitty.

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