stay away

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the thing i really loved about my relationship with lia was that we understood each other. we both had demons that we faced and pasts that we wanted to bury. i never thought i would ever be able to tell anyone about my drug problem until i met lia.

i wouldn't even talk about it with my best friends in high school. i never wanted them to see me as weak. but for some reason, i was okay with being vulnerable with lia and i was glad she felt the same way.

"so what makes this girl so special?" my best friend calum asked me. calum and i met in high school during the end of our sophomore year. i joined his group of friends and they helped me get better.

calum, michael, and ashton were really what got me through my addiction. calum and michael had been friends for years but took me in when i needed someone. ashton came into our group soon after. i became especially close to ashton though, because calum and michael were already so close.

"she just gets me," i said, frustrated that i couldn't quite put it into words.

calum and i were hanging out in my apartment. he went to the college in our hometown on a football scholarship. we didn't really get to see each other very often.

"alright so when do i get to meet the chick who you're head over heals for?" he joked.

"probably the next time you visit," i told him.

when i told calum that i had a girlfriend he was shocked. i never really paid attention to girls in high school because i was focused on getting better. so having a girlfriend was a little out of the ordinary.

"does she know about, you know, high school?" he asked cautiously. he knew i didn't really like talking about what happened in high school. i was still ashamed about the stupid mistakes i had made.

"actually, she does," i said proudly.

"woah, how the hell did that happen?"

"she actually figured it out. we both kind of figured each other out and one day i asked her about her past and made these assumptions so she did the same and some how we were both spot on," i explained.

calum looked like he didn't even believe me. i barely believed it myself. saying it out loud made it seem even more unbelievable. how we were able to just over observe the other and put together conclusions i still didn't understand.

"wait, so does that mean she has a bad past too?" calum asked.

"yeah, she does. it's probably worse than mine," i told him. but i didn't want to tell him about lia's past. she wouldn't want me to tell anyone, just like i wouldn't want her to tell anyone about mine.

calum and i spent some time just talking then also playing video games. we never really did anything special when we hung out. but it was nice just kind of doing nothing with him.

when i was walking him out to his car we were already planning on when we would get together next. i suggested that we should get the entire group together. and calum suggested that i should bring lia as well because they all wanted to meet her.

"you guys will love her," i told him as we stood next to his car.

"i'm sure we will," he laughed. "what does she look like? you never said."

"god, she's gorgeous. she's short and curvy with long brown hair and tan skin," i told him.

he was about to get in his car when i looked back at my building and saw that lia was out on her balcony reading a book.

i grabbed onto his shoulder and pointed up to her balcony. "that's her. that's lia," i told him.

i watched as calum looked up and stared at lia. he had a shocked look on his face that almost looked angry as he looked at her.

"luke, i know this is going to sound crazy but you need to trust me on this one," he started. "stay away from her. she's bad news."

i was shocked at his words. was he seriously telling me to stay away from lia? i finally found someone who understood me and he was telling me that she was bad news.

"what are you talking about?" i exclaimed. "are you seriously telling me to stay away from her? you don't even know her!"

"luke, trust me. she's not someone you want to be with. all she's going to do is make you fall head over heals then break your heart," calum retorted.

"you don't even know her!" i exclaimed again for emphasis.

"i know more than you think. please luke, don't get involved with her," he practically begged before getting into his car and shutting the door.

"i'm already involved with her!" i screamed as he drove off. but he probably didn't even hear me.

but i was overly confused as to why calum acted like he did.

sorry i haven't updated in sooo long. i've been busy and low key just forgot to update at all. hope you liked the chapter.

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