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it was one in the afternoon and i was still in bed. but i was upset about what happened with luke and calum. i didn't even know what to do. i hated the fact that i broke calum's heart and i wasn't sure i could live with myself to hurt him again by dating his best friend.

i was lost in thought just staring at my ceiling when i heard my phone ring. i rolled over to grab it only to see it was luke calling.

"hello?" i asked still sounding groggy.

"are you still in bed?" i heard him ask.

"maybe," i replied sheepishly while sitting up and running my free hand through my hair.

"well would you be terribly upset if i asked you to get out of bed and do me a favor?" he asked.

"yes," i dead panned.

"wow and i thought you cared about me," he replied sarcastically.

"what do you want?" i complained as i got out of bed.

"my car broke down. i called a tow truck but i do need a ride back home and i really don't want to call and pay for a taxi," he explained.

i groaned. i really didn't want to have to make myself look presentable let alone leave my house. but i knew that i wasn't just going to make him call a taxi.

"where are you?" i finally asked him.

when he told me that he was three to four hours away i really wanted to slap him. and to top it all of he was at home. when i asked why he couldn't just get a family member to drive him home he had some lame excuse about them being busy.

reluctantly, i got dressed and made my way down to my car. i blasted my music so loud that i could barely hear myself think as i began driving.

it was almost four by the time i got off the freeway. driving around brought back a lot of memories. while i was making my way to the address luke gave me, i realized that he lived only a block away from where mali and calum lived.

it brought a sad smile to my face as i passed their house. the hood household was my home throughout middle school and high school. i always felt safe and cared for there which i couldn't say about my own home.

i was glad that i didn't have to pass my house on the way to luke's. i had lived on the other side of town which was why i had gone to a different high school than mali and calum. i didn't want to stop by at my house. all it would do would bring back bad memories. and it wasn't like my mom would be overjoyed to see me anyways.

when i pulled up in front of luke's house i was confused when i saw his car parked in the driveway. didn't he say he called a tow truck? when i got out of the car, i had a bad feeling in my gut but i ignored it as i walked up to knock on his front door.

luke opened the door and gave me a weary smile.

"so do you want to tell me why your car is still in the driveway?" i asked.

he let me walk in which i immediately regretted. the first thing i saw was calum and mali sitting on the couch of the living room.

"about that," luke trailed off.

calum and mali both turned around and stared at me. the shock on their face told me that luke tricked us all.

"luke, can i talk to you for a moment?" i asked still staring at calum and mali in shock.

i practically pulled him into the next room which happened to be the kitchen. and part of me wanted to grab a knife and kill him for doing this.

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