Not everything is what it seems.

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🌜What's this? A second update today? Yep that it is, an it because I love you all so much!🌛

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••KIN'S POV••••••••••••••••••

No, it's impossible, he can't be here, not now! "Well little brother are you going to share your delectable little piece with me? Or must I help myself?" My brother spoke in his strong and dominate voice that had always caused parties of both sexes to drop down at his feet and beg for him to take them.

Moving quickly I stand and place Skyler begins me and take a protective stance. I do no know if he is here to cause trouble or simply because I am here, this could go either way, but no matter what I will keep my promise and keep my sweet little one safe. Allowing my fang to drop I snarl at him,"what do you want Severin? Why are you here?" I can feel Skyker clutch at my back to himself feel safer. "So not fear little one, you are safe with me." I say in his mind trying to sooth his fears, I know it worked I feel his grip loosen some.

"Now is that anyway to greet your brother? It has been what, 500 years since we haven't seen each other? What would father say if h heard you speaking to me that way?" Severin boldly said, mocking just by mentioning father.

"I believe it has been 600 years, brother, and for good reason. Alas how should I know what father would say?" I spit back at him in spite. "Oh come now brother are you still sore about me killing that little fool you claimed and choose as your companion?" Severin spoke while slowly walking across the clearing towards us. Turning my head slightly I look down at Skyler and speak aloud so that Severin could plainly hear, and not react on instinct and attempt to kill him, "go on and dress, our training is done for the day. Once dressed head back to the cabin and I will be there shortly."

Skyler nods at me while stepping out from behind me and walking to where he left his clothing when he shifted. Before he could slip into his pants my brother spoke, causing the heat to flush his body,"my I can see why you were hiding him. He truly is perfection. I believe I may just have to sample him myself." Surprising even myself Skyler quickly turned towards Severin and was on him in the blink of an eye, tearing into his throat without any hesitation causing my brother to laugh and throw Skyler though the air. Before his body could connect with the hard ground I was wrapping myself around him and taking the full force of the fall and feeling his small body landing on me.

"Now I can really see why you were hiding him little brother, he truly is a wonder. I bet he tastes incredible. Such a vixen this one!" Severin states while removing his hand from the wound on his neck as his flesh stitched its way back together. "YOU WILL NOT TOUCH HIM!" I roar while standing up and bringing Skyler up to his feet with me.

"Hmmm your lucky I didn't come here to fight with you little brother, or else you would lose. No I'm here to help," he states. HELP? HELP? No Severin has never helped me ever in our entire lives! There is no way he I here for any other reason other than to destroy me, and the only way to do that is by destroying my salvation, Skyler.

"Never once in over 2000 years have you ever once done anything for me, no it has always been for yourself, your own pleasure. You have cause me pain for as long as we have lived, why now would you change your selfish ways?" I demand. I notice that Skyker is now standing beside me fully dressed as he hands me my own cloths. Taking them and slipping them on as quickly as I possible turn back to my brother to see him studding the air around Skyler, almost awed by what he sees. "What is it brother? What do you see?" I inquire of him.

"His aura is simply stunning!" Severin says as he turns to look at me, "you need me, I have seen what is coming and what this boy will accomplish and this is right where I need to be."

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••SKYLER'S POV••••••••••••••••••••

I was stuck by how gorgeous this man, Severin was the moment I saw him. He stood tall, almost as tall as Kin, his skin slightly darker as well. He wore nothing but a pair if dark wash brand and a pair of boots, his black hair mussed as though he had just woken up, and his dark eyes held a coldness I have never seen in anyone, even in Alpha Goodwin. Much of his body was covered in tattoos, both colorful and black as the night. I must say he was stunning.

Lost in my observations of him I didn't realize that they had ceased speaking until I felt their gazes on me. Blushing I glance up and meet Kin's eyes, "come now little one, its time to go back to the cabin. We have much to talk to the others about when we get there."

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