About the Author

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Hi! This won't be very structured. Just little facts about me. First off, I'm gay. I like penus. Second off, I didn't know whether to include the rape part or no, so don't be mad I just needed a motive for Weese to kill Hue or else Katrina or Regina would have won the games. At first I was just gonna center around 3 main characters: Eliza, Katrina, and Gerret. But then I decided none of them were gonna win and that I would just have no main character/s. I have and Instagram which I spend a lot of time on from editing (I do video edits and amvs) to talking with friends. If u wanna talk dm me or comment on one of my edits my ig is @drxma.edits . Next fact, I don't like actually reading anymore oops. After reading the hunger games, I just couldn't read anything because whenever I did it was a let down because of how good the hunger games was. Rip. So I just read fanfic hunger games now pretty much lol. Next fact, I love drama tv shows and survivor and tar and bb and htgawm and lost (watched 3 times) and Gotham and the 100 and so much more! Scream, arrow, the flash, I can list so many lol. Next fact, I'm super submissive, and I don't like hate comments (I'm a cancer) so if u comment hate comments I will either take it to heart. Or go full on attack mode. So back tf off haters. Last fact, I have a disability called cerebral polsy, ok that's all ty for reading and 😘.

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