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"And ladies and gentlemen. The 25th Hunger Games Live Broadcast begins... Now!"
Caesar Flickerman announced to the crowd. His smooth young face gleaming in the bright lights. "All of this years tributes are being beautified by our experienced stylists and designers for tonight's chariot rides!" The crowd cheered at this remark. "Over four million people trying to get a sight at the tributes! I think that's a new record."
"And now, it's time for this years chariot rides!"
One by one the tributes rode out. Going by district they waved to the crowd. "Oh just look at the outfits. District one wearing diamond I'm guessing for luxury. Two wearing armored gowns. Three wearing gears in a dress and a suit. Four wearing steel swim wear. Five wearing light gold robes. Six wearing travel uniforms. Oh look at how beautiful seven looks. The tree patter on their clothes is remarkable. Eight wearing high end fashion how fabulous. 9 wearing grain in the shape of clothing. 10 wearing farm clothes. 11 wearing grape vines oh how pretty they look. And last but not least 12 wearing jet black stunning clothes.

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