Trainride: Katrina

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Me and my district partner, An 18 year old male named Marco, boarded the fancy Capitol train. We shook hands and parted to our mentors. My mentor was the victor of the 17th hunger games, Grace Belmont. "So your gonna align with the careers right?" She asked
"If they let me, but I can try."
"Well you should. Trust no one, always be ready to strike. I would watch the reapings of everyone else to get a view of the competition. Stay with the careers until close to the end. And don't die."
I took in her advice, and went to watch the reapings. District one had a girl named Yazmere. She had dark tan skin with dark brown hair that blended into gray hair at the bottom of her ponytail. She looked absolutely rich with a gown full of gem stones. Her partner was a buff male who had dirty blonde hair with blue eyes and a smooth face. I watched my reaping, my silky brown hair fell over my shoulders, I thought of how pretty my olive skin looked. My district partner had dark skin with ruffled black hair and brown eyes. District three had a little girl who looked fierce but was small, she's 14 and had light brown hair with a smooth face. Her partner was about 16 I'd say with dark black hair and pale skin. District four had a good looking tan guy with blonde hair who is 16, the girl being tan but having dark brown hair with blonde highlights and is 17. District 5 reaped an 18 year old male with brown hair and tan skin, the female was also 18 and had blonde silky hair. District 6 has a girl who is 16 with silky caramel hair but she's super skinny. She has tan skin and looks pretty wealthy. The boy is 15 and has messy brown hair. District 7 reaped an 18 year old girl named Jasmin who has brown hair with blonde highlights, along with a boy named Hurley with curly brown hair who's 17. District 8 votes for a small little 13 year old girl with brown hair. She looked pretty poor and like she hadn't eaten in days. The boy is 16 and brunette. He looked like he was thinking about something as he walked up on stage. District 9 picked a small blonde girl with frizzy hair who is 14 along with a tan boy with dark brown hair who's 15. District 10 chose twins apparently. Both had brown hair and were 16. District 11 reaped a 16 year old girl with dark skin and a boy with blonde hair and pale skin who's 12. Finally, I got to district 12. The girl had dark tan skin and brown eyes. She's 16 and the boy is 17. He had light blonde hair and tan skin and looked scared.

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