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I won. I won! I WON! I couldn't believe it I had won the hunger games! I was so happy! It was hard and tiring but I won! I collapsed on the grass next to Katrina. "Boom" Soon the hovercraft picked me up and they performed a ton of tests on me and fixed all of my injuries from the games.
I woke up in the bed I slept in during my time in the Capitol. I was back. I got out of bed. Took a shower. Put some clean clothes on, and walked out to be greeted by my escort, Shamone, and my stylists, Dian, Twenta, and Aurory. I was the first victor from district 6. I was so happy. I couldn't believe it. I am still alive. They congratulated me and I was happy. But also sad because 23 other kids died so I could live. I missed Helen, I wish she wouldn't have died, me and her became good friends during training. And Tristian was nice but he died in the bloodbath which kinda sucked. So... I also found out sponser gifts were like glitching or something and wouldn't go to the island because of the location or something so no wonder I got no sponser gifts.

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