Day/Night 9 (lot if stuff)

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I had been asleep for a while. Suddenly I felt weird, wet. I woke up completely drenched in water. Oh my gosh! The water was up to my shoulders. I grabbed what I could and tried to balance on rocks while keeping my head afloat. I never could swim it was my worst fear. The water kept rising until it was above my head, it rose farther and farther but for some reason I wasn't rising with it. I looked down (now completely under water and holding my breath) and my foot is caught on some seaweed. I pulled and pulled but it was no use. My air was running out and soon was gone.
"Boom" Another? Man people are dropping like flies. The rest of the careers and I were trudging through the jungle. Water was up to our knees and it was getting tiring. "Can we stop for a break?" I asked.
"No we have to keep moving." Marco replied.
"Oh come on I'm tired."
Marco grabbed me by the collar "Well maybe you shouldn't be a career." He spit in my face. I shoved him away. Getting angry, I grabbed a knife and through it at him, barely missing his ear. He grabbed his spear and sent it flying but I ducked in time. Katrina started throwing knives at me one my one. Victor chose my side and tackled Marco. I ran at Katrina and took her down in the water and we wrestled. Soon I was on top of her and about to make the final blow when the boy from district 6 randomly came out of no where and tackled me. I shoved him off, ready to finish both of them. Us three were on our feet and started to walk in a circle. I made the first move and ran at Katrina, I kicked her in the gut, winding her, and then I knocked her out with my club. She'd drown in the water, I told myself. I looked where the district 6 boy had been and he was gone. I was getting annoyed when the boy from district 9 came into view. He was hiding in a tree. I smiled. I ran towards him and started to climb, knife in my hand. I realized he was sleeping, so I just easily slit his throat. "Boom"
I jumped down and looked at Victor and Marco. But Marco was running, he was pretty far away. Victor was bloody and drenched in mud and water. We both looked gross. I saw Victor's eyes widen at something behind me but before I could turn to see what it was I felt a sharp pain in my back. I collapsed on the ground, coughing up blood. I tried to crawl away. Maybe I could survive. I felt someone grab me by my ponytail. "Next time don't try and drown me bitch." Then I felt a cold wet feeling around my neck and realized it was sliced open.
I couldn't believe I survived that encounter. Hopefully all of the careers died but I knew I wouldn't be that lucky. "Boom" probably one of the careers.
I climbed up a tree and just waited for the night to come.

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