Day 6/Night 6

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I had made a good spot for myself up near a cliff in some bushes. I felt pretty safe and isolated. I was picking berries one day and I was wondering how many people were left. It was already 6 days in so there couldn't be too many. I turned and saw a tribute. At first I was super scared, but when I saw the state he was in I relaxed. It was the boy from 6 I think. The one who's gay. He trudged out of the jungle and collapsed onto the ground. I calmed myself (I was very angry when Monica died) and walked over, a cleaver in my hand. "Please." He moaned. I asked him "Do you want to align?"
"Yes, please."
I picked him up as he went un conscious. What in heck happened to him. I walked him over to the bushes and hid I'm inside. Then hid myself. I gave him water and food and fixed his bandages. "What happened to you?" I asked him as he started to stir. "Birds. Killer birds." I was a little confused. He sat up and asked "Where are we?"
"In a bush. It's my hiding spot."
"Oh, ok." He replied
He rested his head on the ground and said. "I'm sorry about your sister."
I didn't reply.
I was doing pretty well. I had found a hideout in the city in a big tower. I had food and water. I was ok. I didn't rlly have anything to do, it was kinda boring. So I looked out the window. And I was shocked at the sight I saw. The water had nearly risen all the way to where I was. Soon the jungle would be the only thing left on the island. I grabbed my stuff and ran down the stairs. I almost fell at one point because my building is tipped a little. I heard footsteps above me and was a little scared but I had to keep going. Finally I reached the bottom and sprinted to the jungle. The careers had seemed to already be gone. I looked behind me and saw the girl from district 3 with a knife in her hand. Behind her was the girl from district 8 calling to the girl from district 3. I kept running into the jungle until I found a cave. I decided to stay there for a while.
I ignored Eliza's pleading and found a nice spot near a cliff. I had a good hiding spot in a tree and could see pretty far. Late at night, I heard footsteps. Seeing the boy from district 10 frightened me a little bit but I got a hold of my knife and got ready for a fight. I jumped down on top of him and got a good stab at his shoulder. He screamed. I was pushed off of him by him and soon enough he was on top of me. Crap. He had his hand on a cleaver and I had to act fast. I swung my knife and sliced his forehead and pushed him off. We both got up and started swinging at each other. I got a few good hits in his legs and arms. Same with him on me. Finally, I ran at him, knife pointed, and stabbed him through the chest. He fell to the ground, coughing up blood. And I slit his throat. "Boom" I started walking and found a cliff, I set up camp and fell asleep.

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