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It was almost time for the cornucopia to rise out of the lava. I was hiding in a bush waiting for it to rise. I needed food and water, I couldn't hunt and I had no idea where fresh water was. I heard a crunch behind me and felt to strong hands wrap around my mouth. Oh No. A tribute had found me. Based off of the grip I think it was a boy, and with a quick twist sharp pain sprung throughout my neck. Then. Nothing.
"Boom" I feel a little bad for the little girl but if I wanna win I can't think like that. Only 4 more to go I can do this I can feel it. Suddenly the cornucopia quickly spring out of the lava. It was on top of a big rock and the only way to get to it was to run across 1 of 4 small pathways suspended above the lava. The first person I saw was Katrina I think, so she survived the fight huh. Then Marco on the opposite side. Katrina quickly grabbed a bunch of knives, a pack. And ran back the way she came, I couldn't see her after she went behind the cornucopia.I decided to get up and run to the swords. Marco ran off away from the cornucopia but suddenly stopped and fell face first into the pathway. I didn't pay attention and just grabbed two swords and two bags and ran off to where Katrina had gone. But I saw that she was having a knife fight with the girl from district 3. So I ran the other direction back into the jungle.
I ran out from my hiding spot when the boy from 4 left and got two packs and three knives. I then ran back the way I came and kept running until I felt safe.
I couldn't move my freaking foot. It was just stuck there. I was getting super frustrated. It was just me and the girl from 3 after Katrina left and I was not gonna die like this. Then I saw the girl from 3 pull out a bomb and toss it. As if it was nothing. She turned around and ran and I screamed in annoyance before the bomb exploded. It was just so hot. The burning sensation was awful. Then everything started to drift away...

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