Day/Night 8

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I started to see black spots. The hunger was getting to me. "Hold On" I told myself. But a bright light appeared and I drifted into sleep.
Wonder who that was. I had stayed in my bush for a couple days and I think Gerret died or something. He hadn't returned so that was the only explanation unless he left me. I decided I would finally get out of the bush. I got up and walked around a little to get some movement in my legs. After stretching for 30 minutes I heard a rustle in a bush near me. Knife in my hand I inched closer. A tribute popped out.
Today I woke up and saw Weese stretching. He started to walk towards me so I jumped at him knife in my hand. He helped and I giggled. Swinging my knife around I managed to hit him in the shoulder but he got me in the chest. We just kept pushing, swinging, and slicing for about five minutes. I was covered in cuts and bruises and so was he. Weese was almost done for, so I charged at him. He dove out of the way and I went running towards the edge of the cliff. I skidded to a halt. Few that was close. Then I felt two hand push me off of the edge. A scream escaped my lips as a fell. But there was a big deep pond at the bottom that kinda broke my fall. I had a broken rib and was awfully hurt but alive. I winced as I climbed out of the pond and sat down at a tree, and fell asleep.

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