Day/Night 11

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So the feast thing was yesterday. It's kinda nice they did a feast this year because they don't always do it but it helped me because after the careers split up I had like no supplies. Plus two more tributes were dead. Only 3 more. The gay guy, Katrina, and the girl from 3. I just kinda rested at this pond the night and now I'm walking through the jungle. I'm guessing one more person is gonna have to die before the Capitol makes us come together. I suddenly stop when I see Katrina. It looks like she just washed off because her hair is still a little wet. She's sharpening her knife and eating jerky. Probably getting ready for the finale. Well to bad she wasn't gonna live to see it. I set my stuff down quietly and got my sword out. Then charged at her. She was on her feet before I could even get close and was whipping knives at me one by one. I deflected and dodged but one hit my right arm and I dropped my sword. Then two knives lodged themselves in my stomach, and a third one between my eyes. Pain shot through my whole body right before it shut down.
Yes! "Boom"
I was the last career! I could taste the victory! All I had to do was kill the kid from 6 and the girl from 3 and both were younger then me! I was going to win this years hunger games. I couldn't believe it. I would be one of the youngest victors. Maybe even the youngest. I killed 2/5 of the other careers which is almost half. Oh my gosh! The feeling was overwhelming.

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