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There is some dark themes here.

She first met him at that party all those years ago.

Pacifica didn't really know much about Dipper Pines, apart from his twin sister and carnival barker uncle. Her low opinion of Stan and Mabel had given Pacifica the image that he would be exactly as his relatives were- idiotic and childish, not worthy of being in the company of the Northwests.

How could she have been so wrong?

After watching Dipper take down a ghost almost singlehandedly, her opinion of him rapidly changed. He had gone from being "one of the Pines" to "the okay one of the Pines".

And then the end of the world came around.

Not only had Pacifica found out about her family's allegiance to Bill Cipher, but also that Dipper had made that appearance back in her life. She considered him to be the best member of the Pines family by that time. When he stopped the end of the world with the help of his family, Pacifica knew that she most definitely liked Dipper. But she wasn't sure in what way. He was cute, but not in that way.

And it was after he had gone home that Pacifica really started to miss him.

Dipper became a casual thing in Pacifica's mind. Thoughts, daydreams, middle-of-the-night fantasies all came flooding to her in a matter of months. And Pacifica eventually had to face the truth that she, Pacifica Elise Northwest, local rich girl, had developed a crush on one of the town heroes. She kept it a secret from everyone- her friends and definitely her family.

But it soon became hard to hide once he had strolled back into her life.

The crush on Dipper festered in her mind for months. This, coupled with the challenge of being a "normal kid", had given Pacifica a conflict she could never resolve. But they would probably never meet again. She continued to think that until she saw the Speedy Beaver roll into town again after a year- carrying a slightly older Dipper and Mabel. She and Mabel bonded quickly after reuniting, and Dipper tried to avoid her as best as he could. It wasn't that he was insensitive, it was just that he was really awkward and didn't really know how to approach Pacifica. Normally she would see him with some other guy- a man she soon knew was called Ford. Pacifica caught glimpses of them, usually Dipper running after Ford's heels as they pursued something of the paranormal. She saw the way Dipper was around Ford. Dipper was in awe of the man, though Pacifica was never completely sure why. All she knew was that she wanted Dipper to look at her like he did Ford now.

And it was while Pacifica watched the two sprint into the woods that a confession came out of her.

Mabel was nosy. Pacifica learned to tolerate it, even like it at some times. But when Mabel asked her why she constantly kept staring at Dipper while running away with her uncle, it was almost as if Pacifica had forgotten to speak. She stumbled over a half-baked explanation, saying that something caught her eye and she just happened to see Dipper over there. Mabel saw through that lie and immediately jumped to the conclusion that she liked Dipper. Pacifica grumbled something or the other about her being right, and Mabel seemed completely overjoyed at the thought.

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