Reverse Ford

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It's a reader insert. I've also never done the Reverse Falls AU before, so something might be wrong as far as accuracy in the AU goes. 

This dress is so uncomfortable.

You stared at yourself in the mirror, the light blue dress hugging every curve of your body. It was horrible. The dress practically constricted your middle and you could barely breathe. Every inch of your body had been highlighted by it, making you more self conscious than you already were. Not to mention that the heels on your feet were going to blister you for sure, and your hair, held in place in an uncomfortable fashion by hairspray, made you want to tear it down.

Then you heard your name echo down the hall. It must have been Dipper.

"It's time," he deadpanned as he walked through the door.

"Alright, just a minute, Dipper."

"Great Uncle Ford doesn't have another minute, come on!"

Fine, you little brat.

Deciding against further rumination on your appearance, you slipped your arm in Dipper's as he escorted you down the hallway. Dipper had agreed (reluctantly and with encouragement from Stan) to escort you to the formal being held at the Pines family mansion. However, he was not your date to the formal. That title was reserved for Stanford Pines. His intelligence combined with your determination made a team- albeit flawed and unprogressive. You and Stanford had been working together for quite some time, mainly to mentor you in your current career path- magic arts. Despite Stanford's stoic exterior and abrasive nature, he was often different around you. While Mabel had flatly explained to you that Stanford had feelings for you, you decided that it was a bad idea to travel down that road; the scenario was almost too classic. A girl falling for her mentor? Please. Him asking you to this dance was simply because Ford couldn't take anyone else.

You and Dipper reached the end of the hall and Dipper immediately unhooked his arm from yours.

"Have fun," he said sarcastically. Dipper was in support of Mabel's theory, and he often teased you about it.

"Shut up," you chided back, but he was already gone.

And now to find the professor.

It wasn't hard. Ford often made himself noticeable in a room- adorned with a fur coat covering his upper body with a prominent jewel in the middle. It matched the color of your dress; the thought nearly sent a blush to your cheeks that Ford bought this dress specifically for that reason.


You heard your name come from that prominent figure standing in the middle of the room; standing out from all the other attendees. A smile accompanied your name, and while you were sure the smile was genuine, part of you wanted- no, needed it to be fake. Just so you could prove yourself right.

"Stanford," you said, almost a little too cheerily. You hooked your arm with his.

Damn, his arm is strong.

"How do you like the dress," he asks, the tone in his voice sincere. "I had that custom made, and it was not cheap, make no mistake."

"It's fine, Ford," you lied. "It's really pretty, actually."

Ford almost scoffs at that. "I didn't know what term to expect to describe that dress, but 'really pretty' was not one of them."

You laughed despite yourself, and you think you've screwed everything up until Ford starts laughing too. His arm becomes tighter on yours, and your breath hitches in your throat.

The scenario is too much.

And it got even worse when the time came to dance. The man was skilled at dancing, no question, but you...weren't. It wasn't that you couldn't dance, it was that you hadn't really had practice. His moves, albeit fluid and graceful, are just enough so that you can keep up with it. He's not gentle, but not exactly rough when guiding you through the beat of the song.

It's over. And so am I. Am I really going down without a fight?

The look Stanford gave you once the song was over did it for you. You had to face it. You had a crush on your mentor. And you were in no way happy about it. 

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