Lost A Friend

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  A/N: I'm going through some of my old writings and sharing it. Faye is my own character. TW: Death. This is the Tenth Doctor.

The Doctor carried Faye out of the burning Judoon prison ship. He dropped her body into the TARDIS and the doors shut at the snap of his fingers. Usually, the Doctor was a strong man who wouldn’t grieve heavily over one particular person. Faye was special, though. She was a modest, curious girl with high spirits and low expectations. She was a bit naive, but that didn’t matter to the Doctor. In fact, he thought it was quite admirable. He loved her. He loved her like he did Rose. Her once bouncy red hair spread out on the floor of the TARDIS. The Doctor ran his fingers through her hair, like he used to when she was alive. She used to enjoy ruffling his hair, too. He smiled at that memory, trying to remember the good times with her. He remembered when Faye saw space for the first time. The look in her eyes, the curiosity her body language expressed, everything he saw was precious to the Doctor. It was seared into his brain and can remember it like it was yesterday. All that was just a memory, though. He made it memorable for her, at least. Faye’s eyes were once lively and happy, but now just a glazed over dull green.

Her fairly long, red and curly hair once bounced when she ran and basically every time she moved. It got frizzy every day. Her clothing choice was always something bright and unique. That was another thing that got him to cry. Her personality. Faye’s personality was like no other. She was an optimistic, clever, and curious girl who spoke softly. She was naive, as mentioned earlier, but not too naive. Faye hugged people around her often, especially the Doctor. He missed those hugs. Although not profound, Faye’s hugs meant the world to him.

All he could do was cry and remember. Mostly, he cried. He thought he could protect her, but she died miserably. All that “sunshine” was practically stolen from her as she wasted her days away in that prison. She got skinnier and skinnier, her wrists were a light red from wearing handcuffs, and her neck ached from the hot iron number mark she was given there. Her lungs were filled with all sorts of alien bacteria, and her cellmates and the guards abused Faye. She had delicate skin that bruised  easily, so bruises were in profusion, as well as wounds that had began healing. Blood was splattered across her cheeks as well as her bright yellow top. She and the Doctor had shared something that wasn’t quite friendship or love. It lasted for quite some time, but alas, had to end. The Doctor held on to her, wishing she’d say something funny or happy.

“I loved you, Faye,” he whispered to her, “I loved you.”


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