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She could feel her pulse rise in her throat, almost demanding an exit out of her person. The throbbing made a noticeable bulge on her skin. The pulsing was followed by her newfound erratic breathing. Soon she contracted a dry mouth and her palms were dripping with sweat. She wiped them on her ornately decorated gown, knowing her mother would have her head if she were caught in the act. The girl's eyes searched the parking lot frantically, waiting for a very specific car to pull up. This car was carrying the source of her anxieties- her prom date.

The interactions between the two of them had been quite chaste for some time; going to prom together was a monumental step on her part, perhaps on his. They had feelings for the other, something that remained unspoken between them. While most dismissed this as a schoolgirl crush and nothing more, it truly did feel like something more meaningful. She was truly emotionally attached to him, despite how many people had told her not to. It was not an easy task to harbor feelings for this boy, and she knew it well.

Finally, a familiar car pulled into the driveway with a swiftness that she appreciated. He stepped out the car, clad in a suit, his body language revealing his nervousness. After dismissing his mother, he made his way up the walkway and into the school gym, where he caught sight of her. The two stared at the other, an awkward silence lingering between them. She then reached out to take his hand, a nervous laugh escaping her as she did. It was a somewhat loose grip. He gaped for a moment (out of complete shock that someone held his hand) but he regained his composure and squeezed her hand, his grip now becoming dominant over hers. The two stood in silence for a while, letting the unspoken feelings settle between them and voice themselves in the form of joined hands.

 Oneshots- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now