All Better

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A hurt/comfort with Dipper and Mabel. Warning: mentions of blood.

Dipper now knew why, much better than what he knew previously, to not go into Ford's lab by himself. The evidence of such was clear, with a maroon gash on his left arm, gushing blood. He placed his hand over the origin of the bleeding, attempting to stem the flow, the blood leaking through his fingers and finding its way to the floor. He prayed silently that Ford wouldn't notice the next time he was in the lab; Ford would have his head for being down here by himself. However, he could make amends with Ford later. Now all that mattered was the gash engulfing his arm in a red sticky substance.

After ambling into the elevator and finding his way out to the ground floor, he looked around for the medical kit. Stan was forced to keep one because of health standards. It was supposed to be in sight and easy to access, but it was neither of those things. Dipper would never reach it (high up on a shelf, barely visible to the unobservant eye) in his condition. His next thought was to wander around upstairs. Perhaps Stan's bathroom had something.

All Dipper found was bottles of pills for an unknown cause, strewn about lazily under his cabinets. He ran his arm under the sink, where the feeling of soothing, cold water made Dipper's arm feel much better. He was so focused on his injury that he hadn't even noticed Mabel behind him.

"Dipper, your arm! What happened?"

"Mabel, I went into Great Uncle Ford's lab by myself. I saw something shiny and all of a sudden-this. Please don't tell Ford on me."

"I-I won't. You need me to bandage that up?"

Dipper nodded and turned off the faucet. Mabel led them back to their shared attic bedroom and sat him down on her bed. Mabel pulled out a medical kit that she kept under her bed at all times. A few swift manoeuvres later, Dipper's arm was no longer gushing blood.

"Thanks, Mabel."

"No problem, Dip! Just don't go into Great Uncle Ford's lab by yourself again."

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