The Dandelion

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A/N: This story is a tad dark. It's also an original story I wrote. 

The dandelion sits, rooted in the crack of a sidewalk. It displays itself proudly, with its yellow top and steady green stalk. The winds blow, the flower bending to its whims, yet retaining its resilience by remaining to stand up. Rain beats down on the little flower, almost beating it into the submissive arms of extermination, but after the rain is gone it stands once again. People step on the flower and give the action little to no care. It falls, flattened and crushed, but once again its rigidity shines through and the dandelion perks back up. It seemed the dandelion is safeguarded all of its short life cycle. 

Then, the plot thickens when it undergoes a transformation that most take for granted. It graduates from its pale yellow petals to fine, white hairs in their place.  It matures as a flower and stands with even more pride and rigidity. Suddenly, people begin paying more attention to the weed. Some marvel upon it. Others photograph it. The prideful air that surrounded the dandelion while it was experiencing its younger stages returns tenfold. One could think that the flower possibly considered itself beautiful and worthy of attention and photography. 

The dandelion meets a timely fate as it begins to gain a bigger audience. Its value on the sidewalk increases until one day, a small hand grasps the stem, the same stem that had granted the poor weed so much confidence, and plucks it right out of the crack. Not only is it taken from home, the fine white hairs protruding from its core drift away, leaving the center of it bare and exposed. Never before had it experienced such a decrease in dignity, pride and significance. Now the dandelion was stripped of these qualities and a feeling of helplessness rushes in. 

Suddenly, it is released from the warm grasp of whoever plucked it from its original position and falls to the ground. Now it serves new purpose as detritus at the base of a tree, destined to be buried by fallen leaves and other debris. It will never be loved and adored ever again, now it will fester in the dark arms of ignorance. With its charisma weakened and worth decreased to almost nothing, the dandelion stalk shrivels into a void of unimportance, fated to be there forever. 

 Oneshots- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now