Life On The Moon

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A/N: This is an original story I wrote. I am unsure of the validity of this picture. 

Zach couldn't believe that NASA agreed to release the first photos of the moon to the public. He had been anticipating this for quite some time; ever since he was 15. Now Zach was 29, and he still maintained the same infatuation since that age; extraterrestrial life. Needless to say, Zach was an avid believer in aliens, and he had been searching for proof of them in photographs of the moon and other planets. Thus far he was unsuccessful, mostly due to the availability of the photographs, but he was nowhere near ready to give up his search. Today would mark the most progress Zach had ever made.

Zach grabbed his jacket and wallet, because he knew he'd have to buy these released photographs. NASA wasn't just going to give them up for free. He stepped out his apartment and dashed down the stairs. The man was excited beyond his scope of reason. The fine arts gallery was a short distance from his home; he estimated it would be a 15 minute walk. In those minutes, anticipation overfilled the empty chasm in Zach's chest. It flooded his stomach and trickled down to his toes and even the tips of his fingers. Its presence was defined with a fluttering, tingling sensation. His obsession, the one thing that Zach had cherished for years, something that he loved and cared for, something he took great pride in, was finally being brought to light. Aliens did exist, and finally the world was going to realize it with these photographs. Perhaps people would believe Zach and stop pleading that he was insane. Perhaps Zach would be involved with his so-called friends in their social endeavors rather than be ostracised from them. Perhaps his ex-girlfriend would reconcile with him. Before he knew it those 15 minutes of walking were over, and he was standing at the threshold of the fine arts gallery.

Zach entered to find a crowd of people that occupied most of the store. Everyone seemed to be crowded around a sign, the same sign Zach was intrigued by only a few days ago. It featured a picture of the surface of the moon, with a strange, blurry figure standing behind a rock. Zach, rather unsurprisingly, assumed this to be the object of his passion. So did many others, as demonstrated at the counter. He made his way to the front of the line, elbowing his way through a rather large number of people. He had to wonder how upwards of 40 people could fit in a store no bigger than his apartment.

He pressed his palms into the counter and asked for a print as nicely as he could. However, the surly man at the counter dampened the mood of Zach's original ask and asked for the amount of money to acquire a print. 

Zach took it carefully in his hands and studied the print. What he saw was a jagged set of white rocks contrasted by the black background of space. Amongst the blank slate that was the surface of the moon stood a blurred figure. It was most definitely bipedal and similar to a human stature. The creature looked so out of place among its surroundings. Zach didn't need any more convincing that this was, in fact, proof that aliens existed. 

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