Dipper x Reader

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A/N: I have experimented with reader inserts in the past, and this is among my oldest drafts of one. This one does deal with death.

All you could remember was the current dragging you under. Swimming was useless by now. Water seeped into your ears and it was all you could hear. You couldn't breathe (obviously), but you inhaled anyway. Water filled your lungs and made you heavier, making you sink further to the bottom. Coughing only made it worse and potential drowning more imminent. It was hopeless. You were forced to accept your fate as soon as you felt yourself hit the rocks and sand at the bottom. And then you lost consciousness....

"Dipper, just tell her!"

"No, Mabel. I'm not messing it up with (Y/N) like I did with Wendy. I'm probably out of her league anyway."

Dipper crumbled up the long note he had written to you and shoveled it into his vest pocket. Mabel smiled conspicuously. Dipper scoffed. "Not this time, Mabel."

Mabel didn't speak, but the smile still plastered her face. She slid down off of her bed and eagerly raced downstairs. Dipper knew the inevitable. He falsely told himself that she was going to call Candy and Grenda. It was a half truth; she was speaking loudly into the house phone moments later.

Dipper crossed over to the door and made a small opening. He peeked over at you, who was practically half-asleep from the rain. Giving a disappointed sigh to seemingly no one, he shut the door forcefully. He wanted you; far more than he did Wendy, but knew he couldn't accomplish such a feat. He closed his eyes and when he opened them, Mabel was the only thing he could see.

"Gah! Mabel, I told you to never get that close to me!"

"Sorry, Dipper, I'm just so excited!" Knowing Mabel, those words could have meant anything at all.

"What? What can you possibly be so excited about?"

"So, Candy and Grenda and me," she smiled, pointing to herself, "are gonna pick (Y/N)'s brain apart until we find out if she likes you!"

"Mabel, that's a terrible plan!"

"Too late! They're already here!" Mabel opened the door and greeted her (soaking wet) friends. They dragged you upstairs with them. Dipper was standing at the foot of the stairs, returning your worried look.

Grenda tossed you on Mabel's bed. You were quite worried if it would break the bed frame, but it only deflected the damage done to it. Candy was sitting next to you, and Mabel and Grenada (autocorrect, sorry.) were on the floor. Mabel made no haste to execute her plan.

"So, (Y/N)," she asked, producing a clipboard and glasses, "how do you feel about Dipper Pines?"

"He's a....friend," you answered, a bit intimidated by her sudden asking.

"She hesitated," Grenda exclaimed suddenly in her man-like voice, "she likes him! Make them kiss!"

"Not yet," Candy said, now being the first time she had spoken since she came over, "we have to put her to the ultimate test."

"I agree," Mabel said, pushing her glasses to the tip of her nose, "but what can make her crack?"

"I'm right here, guys," you interjected. "I don't like Dipper." You were telling the truth.

"Sure you don't," Mabel winked.

"I'm not lying," you said firmly, your eyes suddenly jerking toward Dipper's books.

"Then why are you looking at Dipper's stuff?" It was Candy who spoke.

"....Because there's a book I want to read over there?" The book in question was the one you had asked Dipper about just two days ago.

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