Chapter 20

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A/N: I made it to chapter 20. Longest fan fiction I've ever written. I've had soooooooo much writers block recently.

They both realized that they had more in common than they thought. They had both suffered tragedy and heartbreak. They both blamed themselves for things that weren't really their faults. But maybe that's what brought them closer together. They realized this as they were headed to see the so called "assassins."

Levi was still very confused about the word. If there were assassins in the city, he would have heard about it. But somehow it managed to slip through his slender little fingers.

"So who are these assassins?" He asked. He was genuinely interested.

"A group of three kids who know how to use a gun and a knife." Erwin decided to put it simply. Levi would find the rest out once they got there.

The rest of the ride was silent expect for Erwin giving directions. Levi didn't really pay attention to the world around him, the only thing keeping his attention being Erwin's directions and the road that rolled by. For some reason Erwin's voice was very soothing and calming to him, he'd never felt that until now. It got rid of some nerves. He didn't know why he was nervous, probably because he didn't want to start any conflict with any assassins. He just hoped that Erwin had a good relationship with them and not the kind that he shared with Nile.

"Pull in there." Erwin said, pointing his finger in the direction of an underground parking lot. Levi turned the wheel and parked the car in an empty spot. There were a few other cars parked, given the time of day.

Erwin got out of the car first and Levi followed. It felt odd because Levi was letting Erwin be in charge now. That had never happened before. It was a very odd feeling for him, usually he was always in control but now he'd let Erwin take the lead. But he found that he didn't mind.

The parking lot was well lit by lights in the ceiling and natural light that flooded through the entrance. There was no one else walking around in the parking lot, their footsteps being the only ones that echoes off the cement. Erwin lead him to a grey door where he held up a hand and knocked three times. "Who is it?" A voice asked. The voice was unmistakably a man; low and gruff.

"It's Erwin. I have a friend who'd like to ask you a few questions." The door opened and on the other side a man with very short and blonde spiky hair stood. He was almost as tall as Erwin, maybe a few inches less. Levi still had to crane his neck to be able to look at the guys face. Levi could see the mans muscles moving beneath his shirt and he was oddly jealous. He could hardly see this man as being an assassin.

"Reiner! Good to see yah." Erwin and the guy named Reiner exchanged pleasantries and then Reiner turned to Levi.

"This your friend?" He asked, pointing to Levi while raising an eyebrow at Erwin.

"Yep. This is Levi. Levi this is Reiner." Erwin introduced them and they shook hands. Levi found it odd to be shaking hands with an assassin but he put that thought behind himself.

"Come in." Reiner said while gesturing them in.

The space was oddly dark and larger than it appeared at first glance. There was a single round table with a few chairs around it and a light hanging directly above it, casting an odd and eerie glow over the tables surface. It was surrounded by filing cabinets that were coated in dust but still looked like they were used often. There were doors off to the side that Levi assumed were different doors to rooms that might hold guns or other things used to end a persons life. Either way, these "assassins" seemed skilled.

He and Erwin sat themselves at the table and Reiner walked off behind one of the many doors.

"Why did you take me here exactly?" Levi asked.

"Maybe someone gave them a contract to kill Historia." Erwin suggested.

"Them?" Just as Levi said that the door that Reiner had disappeared behind opened and three people walked out. Reiner, a tall brunette that had to be at least six foot seven, and a short blonde. The brunette looked shy and cautious but the blonde was wearing a neutral and maybe even bored expression. They all sat themselves down in front of Erwin and Levi and introduced themselves, except for Reiner.

"I'm Bertoldt." The brunette said, extending a hand. Levi shook it and looked expectantly at the blonde. They both stared each other down until the blonde spoke with a bored tone.

"Annie." She didn't extend a hand to shake and she didn't look interested in knowing anything more about the conversation.

"Levi." He said back. Erwin didn't introduce himself because he had met the three assassins before. Erwin knew they were well trained and good at their job, even if he hadn't seen them in action before.

"What did you want to ask us?" Reiner said. Surprisingly, Erwin was the one to speak.

"We were wondering if you got a contract to kill a girl named 'Historia Reiss.'" Erwin said.

"The name doesn't ring a bell but let me check." Reiner said while getting up from his seat and making his way over to a filing cabinet on the left side of the room. He opened every drawer and skimmed through all the files that lied inside.

"Nope. Not here. But I do remember someone by that name coming in." Erwin and Levi sat up in their seats and immediately paid more attention.

"Really?" They said in unison. Reiner nodded and turned to face them.

"She came in here asking for a gun, a pistol. I said we don't sell so I pointed her elsewhere." Reiner explained.

"Where's elsewhere?" Levi asked.

"Arms dealers." Annie cut in in a bored tone.

"Jaeger?" Erwin asked. The three nodded. He turned to Levi. "Well I know where we're going next."

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