Chapter 5

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He sat in the van, his partner sitting cross legged in the back, the sound of them typing furiously on the computer being the only thing that kept him grounded.

His mind would often wonder when he would do this, and now it was more noticeable than ever, being that they were down a man. It definitely didn't help the uneasy feeling that settled in the pit of his stomach, tying a knot. He wished it was like a sunflower seed, something that could be spit out and forgotten, however his mind forbid him from doing so.

"We're almost ready, just a few more codes." His partner spoke in a hushed voice, concentrating on the letters and numbers that flashed across the screen, the light from the computer being the only thing that lit up their face and made it visible.

It was pitch black out, the sun having disappeared hours ago, making the drive there all the more eerie and unsettling to him. His partner didn't seem to be fazed by anything like he was. They were always optimistic, always had been. However he always tended to look at how everything could go wrong. What if his partner missed something? What if an alarm went off? What if someone seen him? What if there was still security in the building? All these thoughts ran through his mind, some more worrying than others.

"Ready?" Even his partner sounded concerned. "Earpiece turned on?" They asked.

He reached to his ear and turned the tiny device on, the small mic attached to the collar of his shirt making it possible for his partner to hear him while he was out.

"You ready for this?" He asked as he pulled the ski mask over his face, hiding his features.

His partner sucked in a long breath. "Let's do this."

He put his hand on the handle of the door, silently opening it and stepping out. His body was invisible in the night; his clothes all black and hidden well. A large duffle bag was hitting his right thigh as he walked across the street to the entrance of the building, his heart beating faster as he approached.

"It should be open, but be careful." His partner warned.

He placed his hand on the door and turned the knob, easily opening it. He turned and faced the van again as he gave a slight salute; his left hand coming up and touching his left brow, his head nodding to his partner in the van as he stepped backward into the darkness of the building, the sound of the door closing solidifying his mission.

He couldn't see anything in the dark, his eyes having to adjust before his surroundings were clear. But he didn't move. He waited for his partner to give him an order, the feeling in his stomach making him fear that he could stumble and disturb something.

His partner must have noticed his stillness for their voice cut through the silence and spoke into his ear, giving him slight confusion, thinking that they were right beside him and that their voice could be heard in the building, but it was only audible in his ear.

"You're in the lobby right now. If you walk forward you'll be met with the main desk and display cases set up around it in a square formation. The keys should be behind the counter." It sounded simple enough.

He took his first steps forward, his eyes finally adjusting to the nonexistent lighting. He could see the desk up ahead and carefully made his way behind it, looking for the keys. He looked through drawer after drawer for them but he came up empty handed.

"Shit. Owner probably took 'em." He murmured. He spoke quietly, the feeling of someone hearing him being childish but still likely in the back of his mind.

"Shouldn't be a problem for you. I disabled the security system so if you pick the lock I'm sure that the alarm wouldn't go off."

He sighed. Even though his partner was telling him that everything was okay and that this would all end well he still had a feeling of uneasiness and maybe even fear. But he was above those things at the moment. He needed to focus on what he was doing and forget about himself. He needed to focus on the mission.

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