Chapter 14: Madness of the Heart

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(As Spike and Giles drives toward the hotel, only a few minutes away. Spike starts to rethink his strategy. As Spike sees the hotel around the corner, he hesitates turning and instead parks 2 blocks away.)

Spike- This is a very bad idea!

Giles- You're just realizing this now? Thank bloody god!

Spike- God has nothing to do with it, it's my brain that finally made my heart stop pounding, hypothetically of course.

Giles- Are sure it was your "hypothetical heart pounding" that you were listening too? Because, there has to be some sort of flow down there for to feel that way about her.

Spike- God Giles! Have been in America too long?

Giles- Yes, I have realized that over the past years.

Spike- Huh, now we're bloody Americans. How posh! (Sarcastically)

Giles- So, now what Spike? Are you still going to eat me?

Spike- No, no point now. Plus, you would probably taste like dirt.

Giles- Well, we were traveling through the dusty woods of Oklahoma. Can you blame me?

Spike- If you don't stop nagging me, I will eat you just to shut you up.

(Buffy and Ember bring in the bags while Willow checks the halls for suspicious guests.)

Willow- I did a revealing spell so, if there are any bad guys we'll be able to see them right on the spot.

Ember- How do we tell if they are bad guys?

Willow- They'll have a bright red glowing aura around them.

Buffy- Cool, bright shiny evil, how touching.

Ember- Yeah, it's kind of nice not having to look around for evil. Just having them on a silver platter for you already is nice.

Willow- Ember, are you insane or hungry?

Ember- A little bit of both.

Buffy- Food does sound good right now. All I've had lately is airplane food. Yuck!

Willow- We should order in, it would be safer.

Ember- And having two slayers isn't safe? Plus, Buffy hasn't ever seen Oklahoma city, we could show her around and have a nice meal.

Willow- I guess that's not a completely bad idea.

Ember- Nope, and I know just where to go.

Willow&Buffy- Where? (They have the hotel travel van take the to Hooters and Spike follows them in Giles car. Buffy looks behind her and sees a red aura in the drivers seat but cant see a face. Buffy stays alert and Spike hopes he knows what to say.)

Ember- See, I told you that a had the perfect place.

Buffy- A place where woman sell themselves with chicken wings and beer.Yeah, great choice.

Ember- Hey, they have really good onion rings and I love their Buffalo wings.

Willow- Besides, you get watch rednecks in their natural habitat. Beer and a touch of bad animal magnetism.

Buffy- Joy. Like I didn't get enough of that with Spike.

Ember- Was Spike always worried about how he appears to women?

Willow- I noticed that right away, even when he was trying to kill me.

Buffy- Spike has always been an animalistic man, you know, just like how he walks. He kind of walks like a lion or maybe even a tiger.

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