Chapter 8: Attack at Walmart?

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(Spike and Rain sitting in the living room watching T.V. and looking at each other every few seconds.)

Spike- What are you looking at Storm?

Rain- It's Rain, and what kind of a name is Spike anyway?

Spike- People gave it to me in England because I used to kill people with railroad spike's. Besides, being called a term of weather wouldn't be my choice for a name myself.

Rain- I don't care what you think but I noticed you couldn't keep your eyes off of Ember. What were you guys fight for anyway?

Spike- Nothing you need to worry about love. Me and her just had a spat at the hotel and prolonged on the way here. So, do you have any blood for me because I'm starving.

Rain- Yeah, It's in the fridge on the bottom shelf. I'm taking a nap on the couch so you can take the big chair.

Spike- Fine with me. (Spike go's to the fridge and takes the blood and puts in a mug to warm it up. Rain and Embers mom, Tammy walk in the door she puts her stuff down and looks at Rain sees her neck only, then Spike walks out from the kitchen with bloody lips and Tammy grabs the gun by the door and points it at Spike.)

Tammy- (Screaming) What did you do to my daughter? Back away and get on the ground!

Spike- You miss understand, I'm the guy that's supposed to watch Ember.

Tammy- Yeah, and I'm supposed to believe a vampire, My mom didn't raise a fool. (Rain wake's up.)

Rain- Mom, what are doing?

Tammy- Protecting you from this demon vampire!

Rain- Mom, he's the guy that's here to protect Ember from other demons.

Tammy- Oh, I am so sorry, uh?

Spike- William but, people call me Spike. (Tammy walk up to him, takes a look and smiles.)

Tammy- Welcome to Konawa, Spike! (Tammy gives Spike a hug and Spike thinks it's odd.)

Spike- Thanks, I think I'll go wait outside until Ember wakes up. Call me if you need anything.

Tammy-Alright. (Looks at Rain and smiles with overwhelming joy.) Isn't he cute?

Rain- (Sarcastically) Oh yeah, he's hot melted butter. But mom, aren't you worried about our lives. A vampire is living in are house and your not scared.

Tammy- Of course I am but, we can't show fear. Ember needs someone too protect her from the dangers we can't. Demons are not something we can help her with but Spike can. (Ember walks out of the bedroom and hears her mom and sister talking.)

Ember- Mom?

Tammy- Hi sweetie, how you feeling?

Ember- Where's Spike?

Rain- Outside, probably worrying about you.

Ember- I should go check on him. (Rain try's to follow her outside and Ember stops her.) Alone! (She walks out the door and Spike doesn't notice right away because he's looking at the sky and the pasture.)

Ember- If you want the moon, I could get a lasso and bring down for you.

Spike- No, all I want is a good days rest and no more fights.

Ember- I don't want to fight with you anymore either.

Spike- I meant demon fights but, now that you mention it I don't wan to fight with you either.

Ember- Yeah well, tomorrow is a new and a school day is after tomorrow, matter of fact.

Spike- Uh!, school is pointless for someone as old as me. I'm 131 years old and I'm very smart. Ask me any question?

Ember- Alright. What is the capital of Oklahoma and who is the senator?

Spike- Okay, I'm going to school but, you need to try and keep me out of trouble. I can bite people now during the day and I know I'm a hot-head.

Ember- (Smiles) We all know that Spike, that's not hard to notice.

Spike- Well before you get all jumpy with joy. I need some new clothes.

Ember- You need a new style Spike. Your in high school now you need to dress like a normal person during the day then at night you can go back to your Billy Idol wardrobe.

Spike- Hey, Billy Idol stole that look from me first of all. Second, I have good taste in clothes.

Ember- Look, can I tell you the truth? When I saw you, you looked like you slept with every girl in California, no offense.

Spike- Thanks, I'm a sex symbol, brilliant.

Ember- (Sarcastically) And you didn't notice? Huh, you got me. (Laughing)

Spike- Very funny. So, when do we go shopping?

Ember- Tomorrow is Sunday and Walmart will have some new options for clothes.

Spike- What the bloody hell is Walmart? (It's Sunday morning. Spike is drinking his breakfast and Ember is eating cereal. After breakfast, Ember opens the front door and tells Spike to meet her in the car.)

Spike- (Gets to the car and the door is locked) Unlock the door. Please, unlock the door.

Ember- Hold on, I'm trying to find a good song. (Just like you by Three Days Grace is playing.)

Spike- (Starts mouthing the words and then stops when he realizes that's uncool. He gets in the car and hears Ember singing to the song) Let's go pet.

Ember- Alright, let's rock n' roll! (Then Spike and Ember are singing along to the song. Then the song ends and it's it awkward silence.)

Spike- So, you like Three Days Grace?

Ember- Yeah, my sister got me started on them along time ago.

Spike- Well your sister has good taste in music.

Ember- And I don't?

Spike- Yeah, of course you do. (They pull into the parking lot and Ember tells Spike to try not to get into ant trouble.) I don't get into trouble, it finds me somehow.

Ember- Well isn't that true.

Spike- Hey, I know it and you don't have to point it out.

Ember- (Points to the door and demons are waiting at the door with hostages.) Well, apparently I do. (People screaming and yelling)

Spike- Well, it's time to kick some Demon-ass. (No response from Ember) Ember? (Ember changed into a tiger and is running towards the demons. Even though she can talk, she's communicating to Spike with her mind.)

Ember- Demon right behind you! Left!, right!, jump!

Spike- I can handle it. (Gets knocked down by two demons)

Ember- Spike!, hold on. (Demons catch her in a net and she can't get away. A demon is coming towards her with a knife.)

Spike- No... Ember, I'm coming. (Spike defeats the demons on him and runs to Ember's aid) Let her go you bloody ingrate. (Ember gets free from the net and go's back to the car to change back.) Ember, you alright?

Ember- Just a few scratches and bruises but I'll be fine. (Grunting in pain trying to walk into Walmart.)

Spike- We should go back home tell you get well.

Ember- You need clothes and I need Aspirin for my head and body. So, a store is where we need to be right now. Okay?

Spike- You work a hard bargain.

( Spike gets his new school clothes and Ember gets herself new scars. All's well that is well in Spike's adventure so far.... Or is it?)

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