Chapter 23 I AM SORRY

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Cassy's POV
She gripped my shoulder as I was going outside. "Talk to him, Cassy. Please - before it's too late."

I sighed. Don't get me wrong. I wanted to be true to Jason as much as the next person but that doesn't mean that it made it less difficult. In fact, it made it all the more complex.


Her face hardened. "Cassy, I am talking from personal experience. Don't do it to him. Say it outright to him, and it will hurt less. He is not the kind of guy who does not value honesty. You might break up, you might hurt him. But, it's okay if it stops him from falling over. Take it one step at a time. Start with him."
Her gaze softened. "I know that it is hard but it's the right thing to do. Don't doubt it for a second."

I nodded. I will have to try today. I will have to.

I hugged Emily and walked out of the door towards Jason's car.


"Hi, beautiful."

I forced a smile. "Hi."

He noticed my fatigue, my red puffy eyes which I have been trying to hide since the morning. He turned towards me concerned. "Hey, are you okay?"

This is the time.

I didn't say anything. He said, "Are you sure? If all this is taking a toll on you, then you should talk to Rumes or Emily. I am sure they will tell you to rest. He's a good guy." He added quietly.

I noticed the way he said Emily's name. Quietly, so carefully. Like it was a delicate piece of glass, like it will break with too much force. And, suddenly I understood what Emily meant by 'personal experience'.

I nodded. Now is the time. Do it. Do it!
"Listen Jason, somebody told me that you appreciate honesty. And I want to be honest with you." I tried to wet my dry mouth. "Is there somewhere we can talk?"

He looked wary, cautious. He didn't seem to surprised either. Maybe he was expecting something like this all along. His hair flopped in front of his eyes, shining in the sun. He put a hand on his neck. "Sure."

It was a beautiful park. I didn't have any beautiful words in my mouth.

Jason held my hand and dragged me off to a neat spot under an olive tree. He sat down, Indian style and motioned me to sit too.
I sat, thinking that Jason doesn't deserve to get hurt. Not now, not ever. But, he will only get more hurt if I throw this on him later.

"Jason... Do you like me?"

He stared at me. "Obviously."

I gulped. I knew that but I had really hoped he wouldn't. Plucking a blade of grass off the ground. I tried not looking at him.

" Well... I like you too, Jason. I seriously do. But, it's just that I... " He was staring intently at me. "That I like someone more."

He didn't even blink. But, then he looked away. After a few minutes of deafening silence, I said quietly, "Please say something Jason."

He still didn't say anything. Be was looking at the children who were playing around as if his life depended on it.

"I am sorry to hurt you Jason. I just... I really liked you. I was really ready to have you in my life. I would be even now. But, I can't do that to you or anybody else for that matter. I can't play with you." Tears were forming in my eyes. I could feel my eyes burning. I will not play with any body's emotions. Not ever again.

"I should have seen this coming." Jason said, still not looking at me.

My head snapped up. "What do you mean?" I hadn't cheated on him or anything. Well, of course, I kissed Rumes, but it didn't count as cheating because it was not my intention. It was betraying what Jason and I stood for, but I didn't cheat on him.

"Well... It seems like I am not fit for anybody. Everybody likes someone else over me. I am not just good enough." He gave me a sad smile. "At least you didn't cheat on me. At least you have the courage to tell me the truth." He looked away again.

I was a little shocked. "Don't say that Jason. You have no idea how perfect you are. You are everything a girl would want. Don't hurt yourself over me. Seriously, I never deserved you. And, looking into it. We were never the most perfect couple in the world. Best friends? Definitely. A couple? Not so much."

My next words were not the right ones. I shouldn't have asked, but it just came out of my mouth. "Were you- were you talking about Emily?"

His whole body froze. Like I hit him with a bullet. "What are you talking about?" He asked in a cold voice.

I became a little alarmed. Jason Porthen, the sweet caring boy, never talked in that tone to anybody.

"I-I mean, I thought that you dated Emily... "

"I dated a lot of girls. What makes you think that she is the one who... "

"I just- it's just what she said..."

"She told you about it?" He asked in a sharp voice.

I was looming in a very dangerous territory here. "No! It's just something she said that I thought... She never directly mentioned anything about you and her."

He took a shuddering breath. "Look- I appreciate you being honest to me. But, I really don't think it's your business who did what to me."

"I am sorry. I am sorry, Jason."

He didn't say anything. Did I just break whatever little I had with him?

He sighed. "I am sorry, too. I shouldn't have treated you like that."

He got up. I followed him. Taking my hands in his hands, he said. "I will be there whenever you need me. But, please don't try to..."

I shook my head. "No, of course not."

He kissed my head, his lips stretching into a thin smile, he walked away from me.

I watched him go.

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