Wattpad, but Why? Interview/ Autobiography for LifeUpStudios

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LifeUpStudios’ Interview / Autobiography on Wattpad

Hey Wattpad veiwers of Ilovetoread72! I heard you wanted an interview / autobiography so im bringing you one!

Before I even knew or joined Wattpad I had been a vivid story writer myself, not knowing where to go to do anything about it and always ended up writing the stories in a Microsoft Word page or Notepad and eventually got deleted after I had a whole bunch just crowding everything up.

After I found Wattpad I was overjoyed - first I read a Wattpad Award Nomination Book and then mainly Pokemon stories. But, before I go into about Wattpad im sure you would like to know how I found out about wattpad, eh?

I was packing for a trip to France I was going on in the next 2 days when I saw my sorta Step Sister ( long story, dont ask ) on this app on her iPod. I asked her about it and she said it was something called “Wattpad” where you could write stories or read stories, either one is good. Inside I was overjoyed to see that I could actually get a whole bunch of stories or write some new ones and publish them but I just said to her “huh” and walked off, like I normally do.

I soon got the app on my iPod and got all the good stories I could ( and thats where I got the Wattpad Award Nomination book from ), mostly Pokemon stories. A few days later in France I got really into the books and eventually started writing my own using the notes section on my iPod ( then when I got back from the holiday I sent them as an e-mail to my computer ). And thats where my first story came from!

Well, of course I had to join Wattpad to do that and I'm pretty sure my reason is clear for why I joined Wattpad - if not I'll sum it up. I joined Wattpad because I loved to read stories and I wanted to publish my own stories for everyone to see! So that pretty much sums up how I found Wattpad and why I joined it!

I, myself, write a lot of stories, many I have scrapped as I think they aren’t good enough or no one would like them. The main one of my stories is “A Pokemon Adventure of 5” which I plan to rename to something else like “The 5 poke-venturers” or something else like that. ( Fun Fact: This story ( A pokemon adventure of 5 ) has actually clashed into one of Ilovetoread72’s books shown on both books! )

I write books as I have always felt the urge to write books. Although I may not seem like a person who writes books when you actually look at me, I do and I have had the passion to write books for a while now! ( Fun Fact: I started writing books at the age of 8 and started reading these types of books at the age of 7! ) My passion for writing had me ridiculed a couple years back but everyone soon got over it. Even throughout that time of ridicule and hatred I was never stopped in my mind. I kept going and going on with the stories. I didnt let that keep me down. I always kept on and believed in what I did. To sum this part up ( Why you write, if you do? ), I believe that I write because its a passion, an urge, something I believe in.

This is it for my autobiography / interview for Ilovetoread72. I hope you liked it and I hope you enjoyed it!

Thank you!

And now, Ilovetoread72's comments.

Right now, I think I've fainted. (in my mind). I mean, it's nearly IMPOSSIBLE to not notice the simalarities between this and my autobiography. (Which I'll post if someone wants me too)

I'll summarize the likenesses here:

I first found wattpad when I got the app. When I went on vacation for about two (or one) week(s), that's when I started writing on wattpad. And I used to write with the notes app on my iPod, then email them to my computer.

Not huge similarities, but large enough that wattpad should put much more work into their application. :D

And that's the first interview! Yay!

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